My state wants to elect a moron

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by AstroDan » Mon Oct 06, 2003 12:53 pm

That's funny as hell!
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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by gabewheel2000 » Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:01 pm

AstroDan wrote:You Californian guys should just elect that porn actress/stripper who's running. That would be more fun. And her moral agenda is probably more upright than the rest.
DUDE! She's for the legalization of ferrets! Rawk!

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by marqueemoon » Tue Oct 07, 2003 9:44 pm

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by A.L. » Tue Oct 07, 2003 9:51 pm

double UGH. well, whatever

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by theslumlord » Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:18 pm

what makes people think that anything is going to change. It's all smoke & mirrors my friends. don't be fooled by what political parties tell you...they all lie all the time; and the american people have been suckered into it for the last 200 years.

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by trashy » Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:04 pm

theslumlord wrote:what makes people think that anything is going to change. It's all smoke & mirrors my friends. don't be fooled by what political parties tell you...they all lie all the time; and the american people have been suckered into it for the last 200 years.
yeah, he's right: nothing's changed in the last 200 years! All of the sudden I have the urge not to vote! Thanks, you've changed my life!

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by Rec Head » Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:10 pm

Anybody that hangs out in a secret room with Mr. Burns and a vampire has to be up to no good.

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by gabewheel2000 » Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:22 pm

theslumlord wrote:what makes people think that anything is going to change. It's all smoke & mirrors my friends. don't be fooled by what political parties tell you...they all lie all the time; and the american people have been suckered into it for the last 200 years.
yeah, totally, no changes at all in the last 200 years! i mean, we still have segregation and legal slavery and women can't vote, and workers aren't allowed to unionize, and there's no minimum wage or overtime pay or 40 hour workweek, and etc, WHAT?

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by trashy » Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:11 am

gabewheel2000 wrote:
theslumlord wrote:what makes people think that anything is going to change. It's all smoke & mirrors my friends. don't be fooled by what political parties tell you...they all lie all the time; and the american people have been suckered into it for the last 200 years.
yeah, totally, no changes at all in the last 200 years! i mean, we still have segregation and legal slavery and women can't vote, and workers aren't allowed to unionize, and there's no minimum wage or overtime pay or 40 hour workweek, and etc, WHAT?

The last 200 years? Really? Okay, could you tell me what the Whigs were lying about? How about the Federalist-Democrats? And the Bull Moose Party - how exactly were the American people duped by them?

If you don't like the parties that are out there, fine. But don't pretend that you're smarter or more in the know than every other American for the last 200 years. It's pretty damn condescending. Why don't you join a party, and try to change it? You can, you know. Or, make your own non-lying party. You can do that, too.

Thinking about it now, I just realized how cool it would be if the Bull Moose Party came back. Populist liberal outdoorsmen for women's rights and a strong America. Sounds great, doesn't it?

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by ottokbre » Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:34 am

I'm asking Govoner Lock to close the borders of Washington State to all Californian Fruits! Yeah baby, extend that quaritine to all those voters :evil:
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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by theslumlord » Wed Oct 08, 2003 1:10 pm

why would I want to join a political party. they're the reason this country has gradually gotten worse over the years. They have you so worried about the "social issues", that they been have slowly bleeding us dry.

Unionization is very crupt. Overpaid, underskilled labor; union officials that have "union conferences" in places like Porta Rico, Hawaii, etc. Any place they can use their extorted money from the members to tip valets. Oh yea, don't forget the promotion of laziness and selfishness. I'm surrounded by union members all day long, and I now know why the Japaneese have killed us in the same markets. ( I can hear the rationalization now..."so do you expect people to work for 10 cents and hour.") Not really, but $30 bucks an hour for digging a hole isn't right either. Where I work, that figure is right.

I'm sorry if you feel like I'm condesending, but my eyes are wide open. Maybe you feel like it's OK to be taxed anywhere from 40% on up. And yes, it's all the governments fault.

I haven't bowed out of the political system. I keep tabs on what's going on. But if someone thinks that there is a difference between Republicians & Democrats, they are sadly mistaken. And until that outdated way of thinking is gone, things will get even worse, and I'll end paying for all the lazy people out there that feel like something is owed to them.

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by trashy » Wed Oct 08, 2003 1:49 pm

theslumlord wrote:why would I want to join a political party. they're the reason this country has gradually gotten worse over the years.
Wrong. The reason that his country has gotten worse is because the people have gradually stopped being involved in their government. You sound like a conservative to me, maybe a libertarian; did you ever stop to think that if you got involved with your local Republican Party, you could change the way the Republicans do business? If you ran for office, you could change the way your government does things!

I guess my answer is that you might want to join a political party 'cause you don't like the way they do things.

I disagree that this country has gotten worse, though; worse for who? Unions aren't set up by the gov't - they were developed by the workers because employers used to treat them like garbage. The rest of the stuff you listed I would probably debate against, but I'm not in the mood right now.

Besides, I still don't see how political parties have been lying for 200 years, or that nothing's changed in that time (although now you say that things have gotten worse.) That was your original contention; can you back it up?

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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by concubine » Wed Oct 08, 2003 3:33 pm

i'll agree that the gap between the republican and democratic parties has become increasingly slim. as long as democrats keep throwing out deadbeats like gray davis and conservatives like diane feinstein or lieberman (and keep in mind, bill clinton bombed iraq continually throughout his presidency), it's hard to see how any significant progress can be made. true democratic progressives like kucinich or barbara lee don't stand a chance. that's the reason why i switched to green party. i'm too jaded to think a third party will ever gain much ground in today's system, but i still think that supporting a third party is a hugely positive thing. it's nice to be able to vote for a candidate who truly reflects my own political views.

but back to the original subject of this thread, i am truly bummed about what's just happened here in my state. we are now the laughing stock of the nation and the entire world. it's truly bizarre and frustrating that so many people can be swept up by this mono-syllabic muscle-head with virtually zero political experience. it's like people just get caught up in his image and his confident way of basically saying nothing, and it triggers some kind of knee-jerk sense of hope or something.

at least i can be proud to live in the bay area, where the vast majority of its counties voted strongly against the recall and for bustamante. typically when someone conservative is elected to office in CA, it's Southern California who is to blame, which is further proof that we need two states!


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Re: My state wants to elect a moron

Post by theslumlord » Wed Oct 08, 2003 3:34 pm

there it goes again. someone trying really hard to classify me as being a member of a party. Why is it that you feel like everyone needs to be part of these groups. It's a shame that you feel that way. I feel sorry for you and others that feel like they need that security to be part of a certain group. If my views reflect certain party's ideals, then so be it. But I can rest assure that I don't believe in any parties complete platform. If people didn't rely so much on their political party to make their decisions for them, things would be a lot better. If you were to go back even a 100 years from now and tell everybody that everything they do is going to be heavily taxed to pay for stuff that probably isn't needed, the people would have probably laughed. But, that's how it is now.

As far as the union thing, I never said that unions were created by the government. I was responding to an above comment about how unions are great and we need them. Maybe back in the 30's they were fine, but now they're in bed with the politicians, and only serve their own greed. I'm sorry, but I have first hand knowledge of the silliness that unions create. If they are so righteous, the union officials wouldn't take any "benefits" from the position that they strive so hard to reach. Imagine going on free vacations for the rest of your life under the guise of awareness. Yea, that's real honest. just what I'm looking for. maybe I should run for union rep and make $100,000 off the sweat of the workers that they are trying so hard to protect. Maybe we need unions to protect workers from the unions.

And that whole crack-pot line of "if you want to change things, why don't you run?" is really tired. Like a lot of people, I'm to busy trying to live my life and raise a family then to spend all my own money trying to convince the drones of this country that republician/democrat/ect way of thinking is not going to move things forward.

But, I'll continue to vote, like I always have. And I'll continue to try and find a candidate that is honest. It's to bad that people have never learned from history. Empires always crumble from within

Some social things are better than 200 years ago, but that wasn't because the govt wanted it that way. Boy, I wonder how much more we would "all" have if people weren't so into political clicks.


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