so... i'm not gonna vote.

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so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by wing » Tue Sep 28, 2004 7:48 am

i know, i know, it's my upmost important privelege as a citizen, it's a very important right that i must exercise, bla bla, i've heard it all. even the tapeop banner above is pestering me about it.

when it comes down to it, i don't like or agree with the candidates. a lot of people want bush out of office, want a change, and i agree to an extent, but kerry doesn't look like that great of an option for me to even want to vote. i honestly don't like either of them, and don't see the reason in voting in this case. and i'm not going to bother with nader or whatever.

i know my vote count, but i don't want it to count for either of those dudes.

so i have come to a better option:

***WING 4 PREZ***
i promise to give you all free mics... we can all start a presidential jamband and throw tons of sweet parties. i promise to loweraise taxes. for every tax dollar saved we will throw another party. free burritos for all!

any ideas for my slogan?

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by joeysimms » Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:11 am

First of all, I would probably vote for you, as long as you let me rock the drums every once in a while..

Re: the other thing about not wanting Bush or Kerry. Fine, but have you researched the independant or green party candidates? This country needs a viable 2nd party. Yes, I said 2nd, because the demopublicans are, as far as overall differences, just 2 sides of the same genral principles. It's a boys club of 'spirited" debate around issues these people have nothing to do with.

It might be worthwile to read up on the other candidates, even write directly to them and call their bluff. see what kind of response you get from them, see if it's canned politik-speak or not.
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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by trashy » Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:12 am

dude, even if you don't vote for prez, at least vote. There's gonna be local and statewide elections and whatnot. It's really easy (and pretty fun) to get involved in local elections and government, and you'd be surprised how important a role your local government plays in your life.

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by awolski » Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:15 am

You could vote, but write yourself in. That way you get to participate but can send a message that you're not satisfied with the current choices.

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by Mr. Dipity » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:01 am

awolski wrote:You could vote, but write yourself in. That way you get to participate but can send a message that you're not satisfied with the current choices.
Wing, you've got to write yourself in.

If you don't vote this time, they won't know that you are ready to vote for the right person next time.

Besides, what if you win? How cool would that be? :D

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by craigloom » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:14 am

Wing, I think your attitude is pretty wide spread and damn depressing to me. But what do I know...

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by CaptainAdultDiapers » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:34 am

If you don't want vote Kerry, Nader or Bush then vote another third party. There really isn't any reason not to vote and apathy just makes it easier for those that desire nothing but power to get it.

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by marqueemoon » Tue Sep 28, 2004 10:29 am

I the prostitute, shall not hide...
But I was very much bothered with my work!

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by maz » Tue Sep 28, 2004 10:44 am

I hate to say it, but I almost agree... at least in principle.

I'm not a total Bush hater, but I'm not real thrilled about him, but man, Kerry doesn't seem to offer an excitingly optimistic solution. I will definitely do the local voting thing, and chances are I will vote for prez too, but it really sucks.

ON a related question- I'd like to know what everyone thinks is the best way to get your news about the candidates. As spin-free as possible. It is really lame that we all have to be news reporters and gather data and report the facts ourselves, but it seems NO ONE is w/o a substantial bias these days.

NPR has been doing some good little stories about bending the truth on both sides. It makes my freakin' head spin. Every time I find something out, it's only a day before I find out it was only a half truth. And say what you want, it's happening on BOTH sides.

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by Brian Brock » Tue Sep 28, 2004 10:52 am

First of all, I vote based on the environment - Kerry has a wildly better record. Bush's administration has made it easier for people to chop down trees and to put mercury in the environment.

That said, I think you should seriously consider voting Libertarian if you don't like either party. I've heard the Libertarian guy speak and he is just a master of applying principles to government. I'm not sure I like his conclusions, but it was beautiful to hear a politician speak based on principle. The way he talks is like the Declaration of Independence or something!

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by wing » Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:13 pm

Brian Brock wrote:First of all, I vote based on the environment - Kerry has a wildly better record. Bush's administration has made it easier for people to chop down trees and to put mercury in the environment.

That said, I think you should seriously consider voting Libertarian if you don't like either party. I've heard the Libertarian guy speak and he is just a master of applying principles to government. I'm not sure I like his conclusions, but it was beautiful to hear a politician speak based on principle. The way he talks is like the Declaration of Independence or something!
yea, i identify most with the libertarian party, but why bother? i know that sounds silly, but in my govt class, i learned that america will pretty much always be a 2 party system because of the way it was designed.

i'm gonna start the PARTY HARD PARTY!!!

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by Piotr » Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:45 pm

I still say that not-voting is a form of voting.

I think it's pathetic that conservatives can motivate the Christian Right to vote because they believe that their candidate is the chosen one, and the mainstream doesn't even blink at this seachange.


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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by CyberSpy » Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:09 pm

"always be a 2 party system because of the way it was designed. "

Well, it wasnt really DESIGNED to have any parties at all. Infact George Washington hated the fact that the US became a party system.

One thing i'm kinda surprised hasn't been mentioned yet (or maybe i just missed it). This is something that i think everyone here would have a feeling about. Remember a few months ago something was passed that allowed Clear Channel to own even more stuff than it already did? Sorry i don't have more information, my memory sucks.

But I think for most of us in (or hoping to be in) the recording industry that's a pretty bad thing.

That said, i'll probably be non-voting also. I'd feel like a liar saying someone should be president when i don't believe they should.

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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by toothpastefordinner » Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:51 pm

awesome dude! being ignorant and complacent RULZ!!! YEAH!!!


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Re: so... i'm not gonna vote.

Post by comfortstarr » Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:11 pm

wing wrote: yea, i identify most with the libertarian party, but why bother?
Really? You think the transportation, food, health care, logging, and energy companies should set their own regulations?

You think that we ought to privatize our police and prison systems?

You think welfare and education should be privatized, or left to private corporations/charities to fulfill?


Personally, I think the "not voting" thing is the height of ignorance. If you can't imagine a difference in this country under a Bush administrations vs. a Kerry administration, you've got some home work to do. Like it or not, those are your choices (if not, there's better things to do to protest than to not vote).


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