For those of us who can't go to TapeOpCon...

general questions, comments and ideas about recording, audio, music, etc.
gettin' sounds
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Re: For those of us who can't go to TapeOpCon...

Post by kywoman » Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:25 am

i can not make it to the tapeop 2004 conference. i am very interested in a couple of the sessions though, and would be willing to pay a decent amount to whomever can provide an audio or video transcription of it. specifically, these are the sessions i'm most interested in:

Workshop 1 : Friday, May 28th - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Mic Pre-Amp Design
Moderator: Lynn Fuston
Participants: Jim Odum, D.W. Fearn, Michael Grace, Wade Chandler, Tim Spencer
Here top mic pre-amp designers talk about what it takes to build and market a quality product. From transformers to circuit design, you won't find a more diversified range of opinions about mic pre-amps anywhere.

Workshop 2 : Friday, May 28th - 4:30pm to 6:30pm
DIY Electronics
Moderator: (TBA)
Participants: Scott Hampton, Dave Hill, Dave Royer
Here is a chance for you to build your own piece of studio gear. From design to selecting components, these experts will help you put together your own Mic Pre-Amp

Workshop 3 : Saturday, May 29th - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Mic Manufacturers Jock Their Mics
Moderator: Steve Albini
Participants: Tracy Korby, Taylor Johnson, Toni Fishman, Gene Lawson, Kelly Kay, Peter Janis
Here, today's pre-eminent microphone makers talk about the nuts and bolts of their designs. What does it take to build a great mic that will make your recordings sound better?

Workshop 4 : Sunday, May 30th - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Low Budget Tech
Moderator: Bob Weston
Participants: Winston Watson, Jon Erickson, Bob Alach
No matter how hard you try, ultimately your audio has to go through real wires, mics, mic pres, amps and speakers. This panel will focus on basic trouble shooting of your audio system and show you the tools and techniques you need to find and fix your problems. From reading a multi-meter to proper soldering, learn how to be a better engineer.
Guided by people who know how to fix studio problems on the cheap.

Workshop 3 : Saturday, May 29th - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Pick Your DAW!
Pro Tools Basics - Learning the Beast
Moderator: Matt Boudreau
Participants: Graham Hick, John Keane, Nancy Hess?
There is more to working with this behemoth than the software and hardware. Your computer and its strengths or weaknesses play a vital role in managing your own sessions. Experienced users will share do's and don'ts, shortcuts, file management, hard drive choices, and all the little things they did not tell you when you bought the "farm."

Workshop 4 : Sunday, May 30th - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Pro Tools Advanced
Moderator: John Keane
Participants: Matt Boudreau, Graham Hick, Nancy Hess
Dig deeper into one of the most industry accepted software platform ever. This panel will delve into the esoteric issues of using Pro Tools like clocking, word sync, plug-ins, latency, dithering and all those other skills one must acquire to use Pro Tools in the studio. Not for the faint of heart.

please contact prklem at yahoo dot com - thanks!

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Re: For those of us who can't go to TapeOpCon...

Post by Piotr » Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:41 am

I would add that no one should feel uncomfortable about attending TapeOpCon. This is the most inclusive community for audio and recording in the world - period. No question is too stupid, no comment too asinine as long as nobody gets hurt. And believe me, no one gets hurt at TapeOpCon.

TapeOpCon, little, yellow different!

Hey, last year I got to meet some real heroes and some amazing people. No attitude, no ego, just warmth and wisdom baby!!!


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gettin' sounds
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Re: For those of us who can't go to TapeOpCon...

Post by endofanera » Sat Apr 17, 2004 1:01 pm

TapeOpCraig wrote:I can't even imagine how much someone who has the entire weekend for just the conference can learn given the openess and sharing that TapeOpCon has come to represent. Music has become cold and impersonal enough. It does not mean we should be and I think that is the main reason we are not that eager to reduce the conference to bullets, clips, and soundbites. Finally, ask your friend who has the CD ROM if that content would mean as much to them had they not attended. :D
I dont think it *is* even remotely a substitute for attendance, but these sorts of things (audio recordings of seminars and workshops) are relatively commonplace offerings in the world of nonprofit educational conferences, and would seem to be even more so for a conference centered around recording. DVDs I havent seen, but many forms of recordings (cassette, CD, and mp3s for download chiefly), yeah, and the primary customers are often conference attendees who had to make choices amongst several educational tracks. I'm sure it's an impossibility for this year, and I dont know if you all are set to do it any time in the future, but it's not a crazy suggestion, and not something that would really detract from attendance amongst those who are otherwise inclined to attend, for pretty much the reasons you outlined so eloquently -- it's no substitute for personal experience or interaction, meeting people, or simply BEING THERE. It's just another variety of educational opportunity. Whether it makes sense for TapeOp to pursue, though, only you all can say of course.
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
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