
david faulk
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There's blood in dem dere' veins!

Post by david faulk » Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:41 pm

:D Like I said before, I'll refrain from posting in bold and I won't try to push my studio on anyone and I'll even redo some of my website and I assume I should leave out the parts about the dual cassette deck and the patchbays. I dunno. I honestly didn't realize how insane people like this "Sissy" guy would take it. It's like he (she?) can't just let it go. It's all consuming to whoever he or she is. That's pretty sad but hey - there's always going to be someone out there to go balistic and simply enjoy constant confrontations - through the internet, no less!
To all that, I say, forget it dude (or girl). Pardon me if I'm not sure because I know there was an actress named Sissy Spasik (sp?) and other than that, it's a name guys call other guys they consider to be wussies. Either way - guy or girl, give it a rest. It's over. Why keep continuing this constant insulting of me? I didn't kill anyone... yet... I merely posted inappropriately. It was an error on my part so just drop it already.
Anyway, as for the people who have been welcoming me to stay around here, I greatly appreciate it. I was originally under the impression I stumbled into a bulletin board full of VERY angry people or something. Most of you have seen that it was a mistake and have forgotten it and are interested in conversing about music - which I love to do. I appreciate that and would like to discuss music, recording and more around here. I think that I have some things to say that may benefit others and visa-versa.
Oh - but I have to say one more thing. I DO have the hottest studio in my part of the greater new orleans area (Metairie). It's our freakin' slogan and used in our ads placed in magazines and what not. We've used that as HOTBOX STUDIO's slogon (or whatever) for over 3 years and this is the absolute first time I ever heard anyone be completely offended by it (Sissy). I mean, we're HOTBOX - hence, the "hottest studio", yadda yadda yadda... I have no problem changing bold type to regular or even never mentioning what clients we work with - but only on this particular bulletin board since it gets a very mean reaction. If you do a search for recording studios, any decent studio will prominently list their clientelle. It's all a part of advertising. i.e., it lets others know that you can be trusted with their project because you have been trusted by some top names in the industry.
This is something I'll always promote to people regardless of what some guy or girl named Sissy has to say about it. I don't work for Sissy and I own my own studio which will always and forever be controlled and operated and promoted by me so - yes, I won't tell people on THIS board who I am working with but I WILL tell everyone else everywhere else and it has always worked out well for me. Tool came here because Tricky came here, etc.. etc... so YES, apparently it DOES help business. Other than that, apparently the rules around here according Sissy state that I shouldn't do it here, so fine. I have no problem with that at all. I won't be posting here all that often but I will keep up with what's going on with all the nice people who had kind things to say and if I can help in anyway, please let me know.
Once again, it was my first post here - I was interested in this bulletin board and started out by posting studio info - in bold - and used the word "hottest". It seems so long ago. I f someone wants to hold a grudge because of that, screw 'em. I've wasted enough time having to defend that posting and I refuse to apologize and grovel on the ground or something just to able able to talk with other people here without some maniac freaking out of such trivial matters. No one can think I'm an idiot more than I already do for even responding to such childishness but I actually was interested in reading what others had to say and talking and stuff.
Sissy and any of "Sissy's Gang" (god, that sounds like a horrible name for a gang) or any of Sissy's other aliases can just sit back and watch as their immature world crumbles underneath the feet of real musicians and people interested in talking music. His (or her?) immaturity is at a level so low, it's can't even be seen with the naked eye.
And to paraphrase someone else's posts, yeah yeah - I too will probably get a ton of - what is it called - flaming? (excuse my ignorance of internet venacular) but that's what children do when they're upset, wet their undies, get jealous and can't think of anything else to say except childish insults.
Note to everyone else (the decent people): It's like the dog that barks and growls a lot but if you just don't feed him for a while, he'll whimper like a little puppy! Don't let any of these small-time wanna-be's who are filled with rage get to ya. Judging by the number of posts they use simply to insult people, I don't see how someone posting an advertisement is worse than that. I'd rather read spam.
Anyway - thanks for the kind words people. I don't give a rat's ass if any of you promote your studios, work, skills or whatever. I'd love to know more about all of you - well, u know - the nice ones of you. I find that sort of thing interesting. Don't let any of these bullies have you afraid to post a complete rundown on your entire studio setup - or even a link to it - or who you've been lucky enough to work with. A LOT of people enjoy that stuff but I think certain people have laid claim to this bulletin board as if they own it. They don't and I'm enjoying seeing some of the cool real people get the blood running through their veins and not playing follow the leader just because a couple of losers post their rules and regulations around here as if they are the moderators. Fuck 'em.
Everyone wants to tell others about the luck and close encounters with celebrities they've met and/or had a chance to work side by side with no less! It's human nature! Somebody, post something about what music person or band they met and if they had a chance to work with them! Somebody, tell me if you were walking down 55th street in Manhattan and bumped into Frank Zappa. Anything! It's all interesting.
Peace yall....
(Sissy, this is your cue to begin ranting and raving again. Enjoy yourself.)

David "D. Funk" Faulk
HOTBOX Recording Studio

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by TapeOpHillary » Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:29 pm

hey david...
nice to *meet* ya...
i'm hillary...

and i am gonna move this thread to OT now...

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by helstab » Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:36 pm

Up untill this last post by hill I thought this was started in OT. I was glad to see that everyone was responding reasonably. I still am.
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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by helstab » Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:39 pm

Now unlock our thread that had nothing to do with this guy! :D
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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by phalex » Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:44 pm

Yes, can we please get back to the way it was before the D Funk stuff started happening.

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by maibla » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:28 pm

Yah I feel bad for you. The first thread, when you posted, I thought all of it was kind of funny, but it is hard when you're being attacked by strangers. I think your post was just taken the wrong way, and I dont think you should stop posting either.
I'm sure I write alot of things here where people are like "what the fuck? who's this?" Luckily no ones said that yet. Everyone has a right to write. It's also different, how people perceive the tone of writing. Sometimes someone might seem harsh, when they might be joking and etc, etc. That's the wonderful world of communication.
But anyway, keep posting. No one will remember anyway, and if they do then who cares.

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by maibla » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:32 pm

oh and I didn't mean I feel bad for you, I meant I feel bad you got so much shit. :) See words can just get mixed up sometimes.

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by GrimmBrotherScott » Fri Apr 23, 2004 9:16 am


You are famous on the TapeOp boards can you beat that?

I think the thing I found most offensive was that "book" of the "biz" secrets you were offering at one time. If you have in fact had any dealings with the music business, you know how slimy it is already. No need to take advantage of some dummy who does not know better. That is a late night TV infomercial way to make $1million...and we would all hope that you are better than that. I think it is just that vibe that set people off about you. Most of the people on this board are people that go out of their way to keep their integrity in tact (in the real world as engineers/producers/musicians), so when people start self aggrandizing, it is a bitter pill to swallow.

Anyway, hope you stick around. There is actually TONS of invaluable info on the board. Check out the Chicago Tape Oppers' mic pre party results for instance...

Best of luck and hope to see you around.


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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by Electricide » Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:26 am

did you see when a guy had your wife as his avatar?

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by helstab » Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:48 am

yeah i saw me.
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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by bobbydj » Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:41 am

stabby - hahaha
Bobby D. Jones
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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by the velour fog » Fri Apr 23, 2004 12:53 pm

david faulk wrote:I just stoped by to see if things had moved on to - umm.. what is it you are all supposed to be talking about on here? Your illustrious careers? Your wonderful music?
You guys are STILL saying the saying crap over and over about my post / advertisement. Is anyone interested in giving it a break?
I'm man enough to say here and now that I posted inappropriately, ok? Is that good enough or what? Does that mean anything at all or not? Do u want blood?
I'm actually a nice guy if anyone would take the time to talk with me on a decent level. So what if I posted in a way some of you don't approve of. It's over, guys. Let it go.
1. "Name dropping" was a way for me to show that I've worked with some serious people in the business and thought it would have people show more of an interest in what I've done and want to work with me. I still see other studios listing their clientelle all the time so I really didn't see anything wrong about that.
2. I posted in BOLD TYPE. It was my first post. I don't know why it's such a big deal. I thought it would draw more attention to my posting. Man, was that a bad choice.
3. I listed a patch bay and a dual-cassette deck in my studio equipment list. I was merely just trying to cover all the bases. I didn't think it was an absolute "no-no" in equipment listings.
4. I have a 32 channel StudioMaster mixing console which I forgot to list. I never said I was an incredible bulletin board posting kind of guy. I left out a bunch of things, come to think of it.
Anyway, I know I'll probably get a ton of more insults and crap about even posting this but c'mon - cut a guy some slack. I said I wouldn't post here anymore if that would make things better for all the horrible things I've done (i.e. promoting my studio and not knowing which board to use or how to write it). It's been about 4 or 5 days now - I think - and I was just checking in to see what other things might be being discusses here but it's still all about me. Does anyone have ANYthing else to say concerning music stuff (aside from insulting me)? I don't want to have any more of this internet verbal warfare with people who have nothing better to do than continue this endless banter about my stupidy in posting for the first time around here.
Suddenly, I'm attacked and I really don't want to argue with anyone, honestly. I'd really like to discuss music stuff with some of you but if that's not an option, then I'll just let you guys go on your merry way of day-after-day discussing me - which, in itself - is not any more productive than my post trying to promote my studio. Does a "sorry" work?
If I was THAT horrible in trying to promote my studio and then returning fire on those who went balistic on me, fine. I said I won't post here any more but just talk about music for christssake - anything else. I really wanted to know more about some of what everyone else is doing musically and things but I don't know.
It's 2:45 a.m. and I just finished a session a little while ago and decided to surf the net a bit and find that there have been relentless attacks on me here. I don't know what those few of you want. I have had about 3 or 4 good responses to my posting here and one person wishes to come see the studio and possibly record here so that's a good thing so some good things have come from my original post.
Anyway - I won't waste anymore of anyone's time. I just think a lot of you could chill out a bit and realize that an ignorant posting doesn't mean that someone is a bad person. Either way - I'll check this board in a couple of days and see what the result is. I don't NEED to post here. I just wanted to post here and, in getting some feedback, make some connections and stuff. Over the internet, it's not like any of us can kick anyone else's ass so everyone has such fun in posting mean-spirited things because they can sit on their computers in their underwear at night and just "go off" on people and be so very tough and cruel - but it's all pointless if anyone has half a brain and can see the point I'm making here.
I type fast so I might spell a word wrong or two. Does that mean I have to be insulted for ONE time typing "sttudio" instead of studio? This is rediculous. I really want to hear more about the TapeOp and what everyone is doing and - yes, I listed a lot of the people I work (and have worked) with. I see that on almost every studio website I've ever been to.
Don't judge me on these childish things because there is a lot I can offer and hopefully a lot I can learn. Can we agree that we disagreed and end all these insults? Of course, I can just unsubscribe (or whatever you call it) to this board and leave in peace but I really don't think I'm the only person who has been a jerk. Some people here have really gone off the deep end and it's not that important.
Anyway, I'll check back in a few days. If it's still a bulletin board that features every single post about me then, yeah - I'll just say screw it and unsubscribe or whatever you call it. I'm sure this post will produce a ton of insults and people disecting my every word but I'm just a New Orleans producer who has done some very good quality work and own a studio. I thought it would be a good place to promote it. That's all I was trying to do.
David Faulk
Peace. :?:

Like I said before, I'll refrain from posting in bold and I won't try to push my studio on anyone and I'll even redo some of my website and I assume I should leave out the parts about the dual cassette deck and the patchbays. I dunno. I honestly didn't realize how insane people like this "Sissy" guy would take it. It's like he (she?) can't just let it go. It's all consuming to whoever he or she is. That's pretty sad but hey - there's always going to be someone out there to go balistic and simply enjoy constant confrontations - through the internet, no less!
To all that, I say, forget it dude (or girl). Pardon me if I'm not sure because I know there was an actress named Sissy Spasik (sp?) and other than that, it's a name guys call other guys they consider to be wussies. Either way - guy or girl, give it a rest. It's over. Why keep continuing this constant insulting of me? I didn't kill anyone... yet... I merely posted inappropriately. It was an error on my part so just drop it already.
Anyway, as for the people who have been welcoming me to stay around here, I greatly appreciate it. I was originally under the impression I stumbled into a bulletin board full of VERY angry people or something. Most of you have seen that it was a mistake and have forgotten it and are interested in conversing about music - which I love to do. I appreciate that and would like to discuss music, recording and more around here. I think that I have some things to say that may benefit others and visa-versa.
Oh - but I have to say one more thing. I DO have the hottest studio in my part of the greater new orleans area (Metairie). It's our freakin' slogan and used in our ads placed in magazines and what not. We've used that as HOTBOX STUDIO's slogon (or whatever) for over 3 years and this is the absolute first time I ever heard anyone be completely offended by it (Sissy). I mean, we're HOTBOX - hence, the "hottest studio", yadda yadda yadda... I have no problem changing bold type to regular or even never mentioning what clients we work with - but only on this particular bulletin board since it gets a very mean reaction. If you do a search for recording studios, any decent studio will prominently list their clientelle. It's all a part of advertising. i.e., it lets others know that you can be trusted with their project because you have been trusted by some top names in the industry.
This is something I'll always promote to people regardless of what some guy or girl named Sissy has to say about it. I don't work for Sissy and I own my own studio which will always and forever be controlled and operated and promoted by me so - yes, I won't tell people on THIS board who I am working with but I WILL tell everyone else everywhere else and it has always worked out well for me. Tool came here because Tricky came here, etc.. etc... so YES, apparently it DOES help business. Other than that, apparently the rules around here according Sissy state that I shouldn't do it here, so fine. I have no problem with that at all. I won't be posting here all that often but I will keep up with what's going on with all the nice people who had kind things to say and if I can help in anyway, please let me know.
Once again, it was my first post here - I was interested in this bulletin board and started out by posting studio info - in bold - and used the word "hottest". It seems so long ago. I f someone wants to hold a grudge because of that, screw 'em. I've wasted enough time having to defend that posting and I refuse to apologize and grovel on the ground or something just to able able to talk with other people here without some maniac freaking out of such trivial matters. No one can think I'm an idiot more than I already do for even responding to such childishness but I actually was interested in reading what others had to say and talking and stuff.
Sissy and any of "Sissy's Gang" (god, that sounds like a horrible name for a gang) or any of Sissy's other aliases can just sit back and watch as their immature world crumbles underneath the feet of real musicians and people interested in talking music. His (or her?) immaturity is at a level so low, it's can't even be seen with the naked eye.
And to paraphrase someone else's posts, yeah yeah - I too will probably get a ton of - what is it called - flaming? (excuse my ignorance of internet venacular) but that's what children do when they're upset, wet their undies, get jealous and can't think of anything else to say except childish insults.
Note to everyone else (the decent people): It's like the dog that barks and growls a lot but if you just don't feed him for a while, he'll whimper like a little puppy! Don't let any of these small-time wanna-be's who are filled with rage get to ya. Judging by the number of posts they use simply to insult people, I don't see how someone posting an advertisement is worse than that. I'd rather read spam.
Anyway - thanks for the kind words people. I don't give a rat's ass if any of you promote your studios, work, skills or whatever. I'd love to know more about all of you - well, u know - the nice ones of you. I find that sort of thing interesting. Don't let any of these bullies have you afraid to post a complete rundown on your entire studio setup - or even a link to it - or who you've been lucky enough to work with. A LOT of people enjoy that stuff but I think certain people have laid claim to this bulletin board as if they own it. They don't and I'm enjoying seeing some of the cool real people get the blood running through their veins and not playing follow the leader just because a couple of losers post their rules and regulations around here as if they are the moderators. Fuck 'em.
Everyone wants to tell others about the luck and close encounters with celebrities they've met and/or had a chance to work side by side with no less! It's human nature! Somebody, post something about what music person or band they met and if they had a chance to work with them! Somebody, tell me if you were walking down 55th street in Manhattan and bumped into Frank Zappa. Anything! It's all interesting.
Peace yall....
(Sissy, this is your cue to begin ranting and raving again. Enjoy yourself.) offense. but i thought you wanted to give this a break. supplying everyone with an arsenal of quotes to use against you, hurling out personal insults and an invitation to step up to the plate might not be the best way to let that sleeping dog lie.
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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by kcrusher » Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:42 pm

Ok people - it appears that David has appropriately humbled himself and we've all had our fun roasting him, so now I think it's time for a little 'forgive' (though I doubt anyone will forget this anytime soon!).

David - as a piece of advice (and forgive me if this has been mentioned already - i only scanned some of the longer posts), it's always best to be modest when describing your talent, studio and such. Using creative pseudonyms is fine, but usually best to give your real name first and let your moniker come out when appropriate (like in the name you use on the board). Same goes for name dropping - most people anywhere that know even a smidge are not going to be impressed and, often, it turns people off. Big heads and big egos are like big targets, especially in the audio community. Best to stay humble and let the info on your site speak for itself. Listing all your gear is great, but only if it's applicable (tape deck I would say is fine, but the patchbay - completely unnecessary). Also a gear list can make or break you - from what I see, there's nothing really special about your rig and it would in no way entice me to go to your studio. Your client list, however, is much more impressive. It would be a good idea to list SPECIFICALLY what you worked on with each client, especially if it's a major release.

As far as the website - yeah, it's a bit cheesy, but nothing that can't be fixed. One thing - don't offer a link to a DSL sized download of a file (the video) if your server can't serve it up fast enough. I tried it at several locations from DSL on up to a T1 line and none of them gave me a download speed that was even remotely cool. I finally gave up.

There's a great bunch of people here, which I"m sure you'll see soon enough. Some can be more argumentative than others, but that's just the way it is. Don't give them ammunition and they won't have anything to work with.

America... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.
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Post by david faulk » Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:26 pm

I'm in shock right now. There are so many COOL people on this freakin' board! Thank you all.
I just read a bunch of yall's (yeah, I say "yall") posts and it's great to see how many civil and intelligent people are on this board. At first, I was like YIKES! Anyway - for all of those who have welcomed me and to all those with contructive criticism, I thank you. You guys make this a place where I'd like to communicate with others and stuff.
I just wanted to say one thing about the studio gear portion of all this. Sgt. Pepper was recorded using only 2 four-track machines (or something like that) and when we recorded "Mind Of Mystikal" which went g...oops! Almost boasted there for a second, sorry!! Hehe. Anyway, that CD - we recorded using 2 ADAT machines, a guitar, a bass, an ASR10 and an AKG mic. I think the mic pre-amp was an Aphex 107 (maybe) which are only about 250 or 300 bucks.
My point is this.... Well, actually lemme' rephrase that...
Here is an entirely NEW discussion (if this should be moved to another board, someone let me know):
I'd like to discuss equipment and how people can get the most out of what they use. I remember when I bought my first Tascam 4 track machine when I was like 16 years old or something. Man, I had that sucker doing backflips after a few years. Flipping the tape over and recording guitar solos backwards and then flipping the tape back over again - or having someone else turn the pitch dial ever so slowly all the way up and all the way down while I would record an instrument overdub (which was kinda' hard - but possible) and made some very unique sounds that even today, I think "How can I get THAT sound using the equipment I own today?" and it's near impossible to duplicate.
I personally don't really rely on the idea that a million dollar studio equals a better recording. I think it's all a matter of who's doing the recording and if you connect with them mentally on what you'r trying to accomplish. Having said that, hell yeah! I wish I could record with Mutt Lang (sp?) To me, he always delivers a huge sound whether it's Shania Twain or Def Leppard. Anyway - he's a guy that I think could get a great sound out of a microcassette recorder.
- Peace, love and good happiness stuff -
David "D. Funk" Faulk
HOTBOX Recording Studio

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Re: Jeeeesh

Post by Shawn Simmons » Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:48 pm

Welcome, Dave. It's unfortunate that all the bad vibes came out on this board. It's generally a good place to hang. I myself can be an opinionated little shit sometimes but I like what I like. Whachagonado?

Anyway, the only way that Mutt Lange is getting a great sound out of a microcassette recorder is if he has alotted months and months of time to varispeed all the vocals takes and also figure out a way to sync 400 microcassettes together. He is a genius but I don't think that guy has ever been accused of working too fast. I heard he spent 6 weeks on a mix once, of one song!

On a side note: I once worked with a great engineer named Malcolm Luker. He was telling me stories of the making of Def Leopard's "Pyromania" (I don't think he worked on it, he just knew some good stories), which took two years and millions of dollars to make. He said that at the end of the session, all the engineers got together to pose for a picture with their Ferraris (that they could afford after working on the record) in front of the studio in Amsterdam, with a big banner overhead saying "thank you". When do I get to have a Ferrari? Someone let me in on that secret.



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