Looking for Guitar Tech in NYC/NJ area

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Looking for Guitar Tech in NYC/NJ area

Post by Roboburger » Fri Jun 18, 2004 2:33 pm

Really. One that's worth a shit. You wouldn't think it would be hard, but it has been. I need a guy who:
A) can string a guitar correctly, not with a big wad of string on the pegs, or too little string on the pegs.
B) can set up gear. Nothing too complicated.
C) Is wiiling to drive occasionally, a van a trailer. And drive sanely, not change the freakin CD every five minutes.
D) can be a member of the get-along-gang. be sober, curteous, mellow during the day/gig and then whatever you want once we pack up.
E) won't freak out during a show. if the lead player suddenly goes quiet, can you easily determine if it's a bad cable, unplugged amp, accidental step on the tuner, cable unplugged, or alien infiltration, and calmly fix it?

I can tell you the stories about chiselheads that don't know that the little dot led on a Boss TU-2 means SHARP!!! and hand off a guitar that has three strings tuned a half step up. I can tell you of boneheads who park a guitar rack next to a wobbly SVT and end up with slinters where there once were two 60's epiphone crestwoods. I can tell you of guys that wind strings with the precision of my nieces fingerpainting. I can tell you of guys who don't know enough to be on-fucking-time or EARLY if we're in a high traffic area like Manhattan. What I can't tell you is why I can't find a guitar tech worth a shit who's not already booked a half year in advance!

Are you young and eager to learn the road? email me and maybe I can get you started. I have made a decent living touring the last 10 years around the planet with bands Indie and Major- email and I'll list 'em if you want proof. If you can keep a cool head and tune a guitar, Shit- I'll teach you the rest.

The gig pays, and we stay in hotels. there will be international travel in the next few months, so you must have a passport and no arrests/convictions. You have to have a bank account, since your pay is wired to ya.

We will be touring solid July-October.

Don't reply here, email me.

Audio Engineer Euphemism for going number two: "Rollin' off the Low End."

black mariah
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Re: Looking for Guitar Tech in NYC/NJ area

Post by black mariah » Fri Jun 18, 2004 3:14 pm

I seriously wish I was in your area. I'd be all over this. :cry: I need some touring experience as a tech.

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Re: Looking for Guitar Tech in NYC/NJ area

Post by afisher » Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:52 pm

you said to reply to your email but what is your email address?
I am very interested, right now I do live sound at a major club but would love to get on the road, I live in Brooklyn, I have a resume if you want to see it.
Adam Fisher
my email is adf210@nyu.edu but I am not a student

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Re: Looking for Guitar Tech in NYC/NJ area

Post by Roboburger » Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:19 am

I meant to type, don't reply here, PM me with all your relevant info.

Sorry 'bout the confusion.

Looks like I won't be needing a guitar tech for the first bunch of touring due to lack of funds, but there's still more dates coming up. Lemme know if you have a passport and have ever been arrested (it matters for some countries work visas)
Audio Engineer Euphemism for going number two: "Rollin' off the Low End."


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