Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by Mr PC » Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:32 pm


Where do you get the info on Bush flying the Bin Laden family out of the country. I've read that the flights took place after the flight ban was lifted, and not that Bush had "flown" anyone out of the country. Are you quoting Michael Moore as a source?


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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by saultime » Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:19 am

No, Richard Clark...and the 9/11 Commission. But believe what ever you want. That?s what Bush supporters do.

I think it's hilarious how Bush supporters are able to reject anything Michael Moore mentions wholesale.

I think if Michael Moore mentioned something about WWII, certain people would start wondering if the Holocaust actually happened.

Say what you want about Michael Moore?you may disagree with his tone or style, and you might think he?s a fat bastard who takes lots of cheap shots?and you?d be right?but at the end of the day, his last 2 films have won an Academy Award, and the Palm D?Or respectively.

Ann Coulter is a reactionary, hate mongering ?news commentator? who clearly, as the clip illustrates, says whatever crazy shit she can to keep selling books and getting on television.

But if ya?ll think ?killing all their leaders and converting them to Christianity? is a good way to fight, let alone win the so-called war on terror, then go for it.
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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by bad_dude_69 » Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:47 am

MASSIVE Mastering wrote:When Moore says something "as fact" it's usually based on something resembling a fact, but can easily be stretched beyond credibility, or hides the other side.
not to defend moore (as i'm not the biggest fan), but i think his persuasive tactics are similar to those adopted by the government at large. let me ask you, when has an official ever delivered a straight line about anything? for instance, you could say that 2.3M jobs have been created, when in actuality -550 net jobs have been created. outright lying is commonplace, but obfuscation is the name of the game and we tend to thrive in that entropic reality. we love vague symbolism.
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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by Mr PC » Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:36 am

Not to sound like Ann Coulter, but are you sure about that? I think it was established in the 911 report that the saudis didn't get "flown out". I'll check into it.


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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by MASSIVE Mastering » Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:16 am

It was established in the report that RICHARD CLARK (Moore's hero) flew them out. "It never went any higher than me" was the quote. They got flown out as soon as the air ban was lifted.

Bush had nothing to do with it.

Yet somehow, Moore skipped right over his good friend (Clark) to blame Bush for it, while it was public knowledge even at that time that it was Clark's move.
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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by wrenhunter » Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:35 pm

Man, where is Ann's early porn reel already?

BTW, the conservative gentlemen are correct. The Saudi flights on 9/11 (or 9/12) have been proven a myth. They flew the first day the ban was lifted. I think it was in the 9/11 Commission Report, but can't find a link.
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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by foley » Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:16 pm

Uh, not to sound too cynical but why would the 9/11 report be the final word on anything? According to that commission <i>no one</i> is to blame for what happened and <i>nothing </i>could be done to prevent it. Credible?

I don't think Moore was claiming the Saudis flew out the day after. He was questioning why they flew out at all. Why weren't they detained for questioning? What was the rush? I've heard folks say, "oh, it was too dangerous for them to be here." Too dangerous? WTF? This is the frickin' USA, we drop some marines on the front yard to keep the, ahem, rioting Arab haters at bay, right?

But really, what's the point? If ya'll want to defend Coulter for making up facts on national tv, go right ahead. You're just doing your side a disservice by showing complete separation from objectivity. Let the lefties call <i>you</i> a lunatic. You deserve it.

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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by numberthirty » Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:38 pm

Massive: The main thing about Ann Coulter that(in my mind) seperates her from Micheal Moore is this - she's always going on about how any sort of dissent in relation to the way the goverment goes about the war on terror equates to high treason. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." This particular Ben Franklin qoute is one of the things that I always wish someone would question Ms. Coulter on. That said, Ann Coulter's whole song and dance is pretty pathetic. I saw her on a news show recently and when the liberal commentator they had to counter her spoke over one of her responses she literally started repeating "la la la la la. If I can't speak you won't get to speak either" This went on for a good five or six minutes. Even if she wasn't obviously pushing an agenda in order to sell books with little regard to the facts, pulling stunts like that are just unexcusable.

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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by YOUR KONG » Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:13 am

MASSIVE Mastering wrote: And yes, Moore is fact-checked a lot.
And it's found that his facts are wrong. A lot.
When Moore says something "as fact" it's usually based on something resembling a fact, but can easily be stretched beyond credibility, or hides the other side.
Ditto with Coulter:

She recycled a debunked rumor about Clinton selling burial plots in Arlington National Cemetary.

She was one of many conservatives claiming that the soldier's question to Rumsfield on insufficient armor was the result of nefarious mind control. The soldier maintains he came up with the question himself.

She said that Elizabeth Edwards threatened race riots if Kerry loses. Seriously.

I only bring up Moore because your use of the word "fact-check" seemed to imply that being fact-checked means the person was telling the truth in the first place :D

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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by Mr PC » Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:16 am

Oh, I thought he said that Michael Moore was being FAT checked....


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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by foley » Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:35 am

Wow. Impressive retort. I guess if you've got nothin, go with the 3rd grade wedgie response. Always very effective.

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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by Mr PC » Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:38 am

Can't a guy just say something stupid for the fun of it?


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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by numberthirty » Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:48 pm

Actually according to Ms. Coulter, no a guy cannot just do that Mr.pc. Saying something stupid in hopes that conservatives will ignore all available facts and just believe you is how she makes a living. Stop trying to take food out of her mouth(wait a sec, how can she eat when her foot's usually wedged into her mouth.......)

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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by Mr PC » Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:07 pm


Well, I've not read any of her books and I don't have cable TV, so I don't have the pleasure of experiencing that much of Miss Coulter. Vitriolic she sure is. I think she could persuade more people if she toned it down a bit. While I believe she is genuinely hot-headed, I don't think that attribute is discouraged, as it is good for show-biz.

All that being said, I would believe what she says over Michael Moore. That's just my from-the-hip judgment. Luckily, there are many many other people to hear facts and opinions from.

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Re: Ann Coulter Clip: Busted!

Post by Scodiddly » Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:03 am

The math is simple enough. Coulter, or any other infotainment product celebrity, doesn't have to be correct or even plausible. They just have to attract viewers and/or readers.

The problem is that too often they are presented as serious news sources.


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