If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? <m

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If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? <m

Post by Robert D. Simpson » Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:14 pm

Kind of tough to get the question into the space provided... and I know I'm gonna stir up a lot of "it depends" answers, but...

Are those of you who record/mix and currently own an analog console leaving them for mixing in the Dell? Or in PT?

Do people listen with their eyes and grant you more credence, before they hear a note, if there is a console with a zillion buttons in the control room?

Just kind of wondering... At what point do you cut over from one paradigm to the other...

Personally, I'm having trouble mixing in the box... too cramped...


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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by joel hamilton » Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:17 pm

I mix on a console. I like the way it sounds better than in the box. Someday it may catch up. I dont give a crap. Whatever sounds best, and right now that is a nice discrete path for every channel. Regardless....

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by lunchboxaudio » Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:37 pm

dood...this question is out of phase.
push the circle with the line through it button.

i just bought my JH636...so there's no turning back.

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by junkstar » Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:03 pm

I have a day job that keeps me on the computer all day long, all week long. I don't want to record on a computer too. Recording is fun for me, a hobby. I like the array of knobs and faders and devices. I'm sick of my computer and don't want that Pavlovian vibe when I power up to record. I'm going to stick with the console as long as I can.

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by Slider » Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:12 pm

I'm still way more comfortable on a console.
But I'm starting to get some nice results mixing in Nuendo.
Ask me in 6 months, It's possible my answer could change :)

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by dale116dot7 » Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:38 pm

I was going to post here... then junkstar beat me to it! Exactly! I write software on a computer all day. I've got a small digital mixing board (DM24) and a small HD recorder (HD24 .. one of their better pieces of gear IMHO) and that works for me. I'm actually looking for an 32 ch analog board in the $10k price region. Probably try to pick one up before Christmas.

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by scarygroover » Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:46 am

this is what I do.

1.amek angela console before motu 896's to sonar in a dell.

2.monitor playback for overdubs in stereo mix out of the motu through 2 channels of the Amek console.

3. when ready to mix, send seperate signals from the Motu outs tthrough the console.

I'm happy with it and so are the clients.

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by jspartz » Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:20 pm

I am blending the best of both worlds to create a comfortable work environment. I don't see it as an all digital or analog. I know what your asking and it took me a while to understand how to make the two work together for my work habits. Good luck.


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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by vortexunion » Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:36 pm

I've been recording at home for a while with a Digi 001 & Tascam 488. As soon as I got a Studiomaster 16x8x16, I heard comments like " Oh so you can record stuff now huh?" Here's what I found interesting; I don't believe the pre's on the Studiomaster sound that great. They're a little scratchy and don't have a lot of headroom although I do like the eq. I use the mixer as a way to dump 8 channels into my ADAT to use as an A/D convertor into Pro Tools. It seems that I'm "more capable of recording" though.

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by Shawn Simmons » Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:42 pm

I mix thru a console. I've mixed in the box and I hate it. I need real faders and pots. I also listen more and watch less when I use a console.


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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by theslumlord » Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:21 pm

Shawn1272 wrote:I mix thru a console. I've mixed in the box and I hate it. I need real faders and pots. I also listen more and watch less when I use a console.
same here. but, i'm going to add that i'm too lazy to learn a computer recording program.

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by drumsound » Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:43 pm

For me and my feeble brain, I have to have a console. One knob, one function! Computers piss my off and bog my down. I've been fighting having one in my control room for a long time now and I will continue the fight.

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by touched1 » Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:16 pm

With the latest version of Cubase SX, it allows for outboard gear to be used as plug ins within Cubase. I can see this as the beginning of the end for the need for big consoles for most home users. As long as you have a really good sound card. Get the hum, hiss, and buzz from your favorite gear patched directly into your DAW. I fu*kin love it!!!

That said, I just picked up a 32 channel Allen & Heath board from the mid 80's because I like the sound and feel of old, funky hardware.

But I have to admit, since I've started messing with this new (to Cubase anyway) way of integrating hardware into the DAW, I'm conflicted as to where my $$ should have gone. Towards the console because it looks and feels cool, and sounds interesting, or towards another 8 in card = 8 more hardware patch points for the DAW??

I too work in front of a computer all day. So being in front of a nice big console should be a nice change.

I also recently invested in the Behringer MIDI knobs and faders. And it's an improvement over working with the mouse. But I'm not entirely comfortable with it yet.

The analog purists will shout me down on this. But I'm just giving my opinion here. Good DAW + good multi-channel (8 or more channels) sound card + good hardware = less need for console channels.

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by eeldip » Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:34 pm

i'm all in the box.

i'll pipe stuff in and out to my rack stuff, but always back for digital mixdown in the end. (lots of reamping and compressing outboard d/a to compressor back to a/d)

i have very restrictive space requirements. which is why i do it. but really, now that i am used to it, i'll take a big quality loss for saving my work, total recall dude.

i have re-done mixes i did analog, and uh.. analog won most of the time, but my in the box stuff won when i made mistakes in analog. ooops the guitar is too loud. no going back!

but anyway, i dont think i'll go analog again for mixdown. i love the portability, and i like walking away from things and coming back.

i REALLY love mixing an album all at once instead of one song at a time. every 1/2 hour or so i jump from one song to another. ohhh.. this is good stuff. a zillion advantages to this. things sound more consistant and at the same time more varied. if two songs start sounding alike you know right away. steer them apart. if one song is not up to snuff. you work harder on it.

anyway, in the box in the box.

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Re: If you have a console, are you dumping it for digital? &

Post by eeldip » Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:42 pm

ohhh one more huge advantage i forgot.

before people come by to mix you can get them 80% or so in shape. you can secretly do all the stuff they dont want you to do.

it saves so much time to have some "alone" time. getting the basic stuff done.

then it leaves more time for the fun stuff. like you knock all the songs up to pretty decent, then you ask the band.. "hey, what do you want to do for fun.. what kinda cool shit do you want on this" instead of having them sit there and get bored while you level stuff out.

WAY better.

leaves more room for creativity. anyway.

HOWEVER, your eyes hurt more though. and your hands and wrists hurt more.. sure plenty of disadvantages.


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