Cheaper than UltraSound?

audio school graduate
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Joined: Wed Dec 03, 2003 10:56 am
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Cheaper than UltraSound?

Post by G-Rat » Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:16 pm

Okay, does anyone know of a message board that would be able to help me find cheap (well cheaper than Ultra Sound) hourly rehearsal space in NYC (mainly brooklyn/Williamsburg), or even know about a place off hand? I hate to go off specific recording-studio topic for my first post, but since the main thing slowing down the recording process for me and my mates right now is enough time in a place where we can make any damn noise at all so we can make these songs super-tight so when we do go into the studio (can't really record drums in my apartment, though I do have soundproofing daydreams all the time) any problems and slow-downs aren't from us not knowing what the hell we are doing, I guess it is almost on topic. Also I don't know where else to go to ask. Also I am good at run-on sentences if anyone needs some.

ass engineer
Posts: 41
Joined: Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:29 pm
Location: Brooklyn

Re: Cheaper than UltraSound?

Post by sarth » Sat Dec 13, 2003 1:20 pm

Read the village voice classifieds rehearsal space section.

Last I checked there are a bunch of rehearsal studios listed there, at least in manhattan.

If you're not so picky about gear, try funkadelic. They should be listed, and are on 26th street, I think.

-- Sarth


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