Class Survey - HELP!

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Class Survey - HELP!

Post by wesley.wittich » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:09 am

Hello fellow Tape Opers...

For my Junior level comp course, we have to research and write about a group that 'consumes a particular genre of text.' I love Tape Op, and I know lots of others do as well, so I figured I'd just write about the magazine and those who read it (you guys). For my report, I'm supposed to distribute questionnaires to readers to find out the demographics and why they read the magazine. I hope you all can help!

I'm just going to copy and paste the questionnaire below and if you have a few minutes and would be willing to help it would be greatly appreciated. If you do decide to fill it out, you can either post your answers in a reply or email them to All responses are confidential, unless you put them in a reply, but this is just for group analysis, so no one in particular will be discussed in my paper.

Thanks in advance for any help y'all can provide.

Wesley Wittich

1. Gender: M/F
2. Age:
a. Under 18
b. 18-24
c. 25-35
d. 35-45
e. 45-55
f. Over 55
3. Marital Status (circle): Single Married
4. Occupation: _____________
5. Level of Education:
a. Didn?t finish High School
b. High School Diploma w/ No College
c. Some College
d. Bachelor?s Degree Field: _________________
e. Master?s Degree Field: _________________
f. Doctorate Field: _________________
5. Yearly Household Income:
a. Under $30,000
b. $30,001 to 50,000
c. $50,001 to 70,000
d. $70,001 to 90,000
e. Over $90,000
6. Do you receive the free subscription of Tape Op or do you pay for the guaranteed delivery?
7. Do you subscribe to any other audio magazines? If so, which ones?
8. How much of each issue do you normally read?
a. Everything! Every article, review, advertisement, and comment.
b. Most of it. The major articles and reviews, anything else that catches my eye.
c. One specific section.
d. I glance through and read what jumps out.
e. I don?t usually read it.
9. How many times do you read a given issue?
a. Just once, never again.
b. Once initially, then I reread the really good articles.
c. Once initially, then again every once in a while.
d. Over and over till the next one arrives!
10. Why do you read Tape Op over (or in conjunction with) other audio magazines?

11. What is your favorite section of Tape Op and why?

12. How do you feel Tape Op helps you in your audio endeavors, whether it be a hobby or a career?

13. Have you ever bought something after seeing a review in Tape Op?

14. Have you ever bought something after seeing an advertisement in Tape Op?

15. Any other thoughts, comments, or ideas concerning Tape Op Magazine that you would like to share?

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