Looking for studio in remote/interesting place for project.

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Looking for studio in remote/interesting place for project.

Post by EdenEdenEden » Tue Dec 29, 2015 2:10 pm

Hi, my names Johnny. I have been reading tape op forever but have never posted on this message board. So I suppose this is an introduction as well. Here is the Short of it. Me and a old friend of mine are looking to meet up sometime this next year and do some recording. We are looking for a studio that is in a remote or interesting location. Somewhere out of the way. Doesn't have to be commercial. Doesn't have to be huge. Tape would be great but daw might work too. Hopefully your flexible and laid back. If this sounds like your spot would work, or if you want to throw a buddy some work, please let me know. If you have any guestions, or reguire more information from me, feel free to ask. Sorry about the horrible grammar, I really did try. Thanks!


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Post by drumsound » Fri Jan 01, 2016 3:37 pm

You might consider Pete Weiss' (Tape Op contributor and all around cool cat) Verdant studio, which is out in the woods in Vermont.


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Post by mn412 » Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:15 pm

Worked up here for a weekend. http://www.greatnorthsoundsociety.com definitely out remote. Interesting as well.

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Post by kslight » Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:40 pm

I do some work regularly out of an all analog studio on a farm in Iowa. Was built in the late 70's, and hasn't really changed much since. MCI board, MCI 24 track 2", a few classic mics and a bunch of workhorses, a couple live rooms, drum booth, vocal booth, not a whole lot for outboard. Bill Putnam Westlake (I think that's what its called) style control room. I always have brought my own Pro Tools rig to dump it down, because there is no DAW to be had. It isn't like Abbey Road, but it isn't your modern corporate studio either. Very chill, cool owner with lots of great stories to tell, fun place to work. What the studio lacks in modern conveniences it makes up for in character. Day rates are extremely fair. Maybe 20 minutes from town, so if you need a distraction you have to drive a ways for it.

He isn't hip on the internet really, and I don't want to publish his email address publicly, but if this sounds like something you'd be interested in PM me. I don't own it, or work there, but sometimes I book the place as a freelancer. The owner is a very good engineer himself, however, as long as you are cool with analog...

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Post by EdenEdenEden » Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:31 am

Thank you all for the replies. I will check them out for sure. Keep them coming!

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Post by joninc » Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:15 am

come to canada!

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Post by Wagz » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:20 pm

Just saw this. I really need to visit the board more often. Goes in phases.

We're more or less out of the way. Yes in that we are in the middle of Montana, about a half hour from Glacier National Park and right on a massive lake. Not out of the way in that we're just outside of town. But its a wonderful view and I always tell visiting musicians that they can drop a member off (if we're dubbing) and then go play in the woods somewhere.
Snoring Hound Studio
Kalisepll, MT

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Seamonster Sounds back in the flow soon.....

Post by Seamonster » Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:19 am

Our place might qualify as remote, depending on your perspective, and it?s definitely unusual. We have a tracking room and dedicated control room in a converted 75-year old artist-built house on an isolated bluff in old Malibu ? rustic, not glamorous. The tracking room (~4,500 cu.ft.) overlooks the ocean at 330 ft. above sea level. The only noise factor might be the occasional helicopter flying past *below* us.

We?ve been on hiatus, absorbed in renovating both the studio and the living areas, but we?ll be back in the groove later this year. With two engineers in house, we?re artists with tech skills, not mercenaries. We can provide things you don?t see in every home studio ? like a proper control room, clean AC, a variety of outboard gear and instruments, isolation cabs, competent drum tech, etc. ? while keeping your life on track with things like hiking trails and excellent home-cooked food. We have minimal residential capacity for artists ? e.g., couch surfing ? but hope to arrange package options with a B&B in nearby Topanga Canyon.

We?ll be upgrading our converters, probably to Apollo since we have a lot of UAD plug-in licenses already. At the moment our only tape option is to track through a Teac A-3440 to digital ? which can provide a nice vibe, but if you?re after the full ?tape experience? you?re either going to end up somewhere else or you?re a millionaire about to make us a sizable donation.

Later this year we expect to organize something like a ?grand reopening?: we?ll revamp the website, do something that passes for publicity, and probably give a steep discount to the first few artist-clients for helping us shakedown the new setup. In the meantime, here?s a photo of the Pacific Ocean as seen through a window of the tracking room.

Keep in touch,
Hoagie Hill
Seamonster Sounds

"May my silences become more accurate." -Theodore Roethke, poet

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