Mixing Tutorials and "Smart" EQ's

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Mustang Martigan
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Mixing Tutorials and "Smart" EQ's

Post by Mustang Martigan » Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:36 am

I've been recording for a while now, but besides reading articles and watching you tube vids here and there, I'm basically self-taught.

Any recommendations on good mixing tutorials? I've noticed multiple people praising "Mix it Like a Record" by Charles Dye. I found out about it after purchasing McDSP Analog Channel; apparently he uses that plug heavily in the video...the AC101 on every channel and inserts a multi-mono instance, first thing, on the 2 bus and then mixes onto it.

Also, some of the newer "Smart" EQ's, like IK Neutron, which analyze tracks and gives you suggestions on what frequencies to boost/cut. they also advise you when two instruments are "colliding," using the same frequency. I understand why someone wouldn't like this feature and tell you to use your ears, but I think it'd be a helpful tool for someone in my situation. As it gives you a nice starting point.

Any suggestions on EQ's, besides Neutron, that have this feature, as well as a quality sound?


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Re: Mixing Tutorials and "Smart" EQ's

Post by lyman » Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:30 am

Any recommendations on good mixing tutorials?

I really like Dave Pensado's videos on mixing. There are tons at his website, pensadosplace.tv (I'm not affiliated).

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Re: Mixing Tutorials and "Smart" EQ's

Post by EarlSlick » Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:20 am

There are so many great options these days. Produce Like a Pro, Creative Live, Nail The Mix. These are all pretty good resources.

Gregory Scott, the buy behind Kush and Sly-Fi just started a web series. The longer of the 3 videos is 99 cents, the other two are free. I really enjoyed it.

Produce Like a Pro, is a really cool youtube channel with lots of great instructional stuff.

I subscribe to Nail The Mix. No matter what level you're at already you can take something from this. Every month you get the raw tracks for a relatively major release and mix it, then enter it in a contest to win cool prizes. Also whoever mixed the actual song, does a live cast of them mixing the song. It's super cool to see different mixers approaches. They feature a lot of music that I'm not necessarily into, but it is still great fun.

They also have some add ons for a bit extra that include, in depth seminars on things like Re-Amping, Controlling Low End, EQ Strategy, etc. Each one is not just one video, but a whole series of lessons.

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Re: Mixing Tutorials and "Smart" EQ's

Post by kslight » Fri Oct 13, 2017 10:11 am

Some people may poopoo Izotope's Neutron as
"Cheating" but I personally think anything that gets me in the ballpark faster, even if I still have to tweak it, is a useful feature. I own Neutron and admittedly haven't used it much, but I intend to more that I'm in a new studio and back to work.

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Re: Mixing Tutorials and "Smart" EQ's

Post by vvv » Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:28 pm

Mike Senior's Mixing Secrets and Huber & Runstein's Modern Recording Techniques (the latter has numerous editions going back to ye olde multi-track tape recorders) are worthy books, as are the TapeOp books. I have a few others but I'd call those my top 4.

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Mustang Martigan
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Re: Mixing Tutorials and "Smart" EQ's

Post by Mustang Martigan » Fri Oct 13, 2017 5:20 pm

Thanks guys. This should keep me busy this weekend.

I just recently bought Mixing with Your Mind; it's an amazing book. I ordered it directly from the author; he gave me his email and encouraged me to pick his brain. I forget his name, bit he's worked on a lot of stuff I'm into, most notably T. Rex; I love the band and the production is rad sounding.. especially the electric guitar tone. The one downside is that a decent amount of the equipment he references is hard to find vintage gear that's insanely expensive.

What are some of the other EQ plugs, besides Neutron, that have the mix assistant feature? I know there's one called SmartEQ, and others whose names escape me at the moment.

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