Online job listing

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Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2003 12:30 pm

Online job listing

Post by drbooks » Tue Jul 01, 2003 12:39 pm

Hey. I work for and our homerecording guidesite has a guide vacancy.
What's About? is a network of topic-related sites which are run by people who are knowledgeable and stoked on their topics. You provide the content and links to other sites, About provides the traffic and advertising. It's a pretty cool deal.
What's the job about? Job requires 15-20 hours of updating a week. This is writing how-to's finding new links to cool sites/pages on the internet, writing in weblogs etc. Job does pay, but may not pay a huge sum, depending on how much advertiser interest there is. It's usually a good supplemental income, occassionally a full-time job. But it has it's non-financial perks too. You can get review copies of gear, magazines, CD's etc, go to conferences. It opens doors. Our hollywood guide interviews major stars all the time and they started this on the same level as the rest of the guides.

Check the site out at

I wouldn't post the position if I didn't think it was cool. Since I work for the company, I am not eligible or I'd do it myself. Feel free to post questions or email me off-board with questions.



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