cubase export file?

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cubase export file?

Post by assfortress » Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:05 pm

how would i export the individual wave files in cubase 5 vst/32? Ive got a simple project thats just like 12 tracks i want to get at the 12 raw files. How do I do this? Thanks

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Re: cubase export file?

Post by spiral » Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:21 pm

They will be in the audio folder you selected when you started the project. They will all be 32 bit wavs though.

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Re: cubase export file?

Post by assfortress » Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:31 pm

Unfortunatly they are in a folder with a bunch of other files, none have names that I can identify as the files that I want. Is there a way to do it from the export option, this would also make the tracks with punches one file. Thanks again.

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Re: cubase export file?

Post by spiral » Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:12 am

Sorry. Tought you said you wanted the raw files.

So! I think the easiest way is to select all the audio events on all tracks and do a "Bounce Selection" (just takes a second). This will create a single continuous wave out of all the punchins or edits on each track. Then go into the audio pool and name them something you will recognize. (This is why it is really important you name your tracks on the left of the timeline where it says "Audio 01, Audio 02" those names become your track/filenames when you record.) Finally all of your newly named tracks will be in the audio folder, each track as a single file.

Let me know if that makes sense and works for what you want to do.

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Re: cubase export file?

Post by assfortress » Tue Mar 23, 2004 1:46 pm

Your right i did say raw files. Sorry for the confusion. I cant find either of these functions in Cubase. They sound like what I need. What menu are they under?

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Re: cubase export file?

Post by spiral » Tue Mar 23, 2004 3:05 pm

I'm using SX on the Mac so i think the menus may be a bit different, but not too much.

Bounce selection: Make sure the tracks are selected on the timeline and the option should be available under the "Audio" pulldown.

Audio pool: Control + F (in version 5 and below). Control + P (in SX). It may be under Panels or Project on Cubase 5. I've never owned that version. Once in the audio pool you can double click the names of the tracks and rename them.

Let me know if you can/can't find them! I can try to find some screenshots. Are you on a mac or PC?

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Re: cubase export file?

Post by assfortress » Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:32 pm

cool i got it figured out. it was called like merge part or something like that. Thanks.

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Re: cubase export file?

Post by drliebs » Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:15 am

You can also rename files in the info line or as stated above in the pool. Just to clarify for anyone following this thread, here is a section form the manual. Also as stated above, naming your tracks before you record will make file maintenence a lot easier as cubase will name all files based off of the track name. It is much easier to keep track of files called gtr_1_take3 then audio_1_take 3.

Creating new files from events
As described in the Getting Started book, an audio event plays a section
of an audio clip, which in turn refers to one or more audio files on
the hard disk. However, in some situations you may want to create a
new file that consists only of the section played by the event. This is
done with the function Bounce Selection on the Audio menu:
1. Select one or several audio events.
2. Set up fade in, fade out and event volume (on the info line or using the
volume handle) as desired.
These settings will be applied to the new file. For details on fades and event volume, see
page 120.
3. Select ?Bounce Selection? from the Audio menu.
You are asked whether you want to replace the selected event or not.
? If you click ?Replace?, a new file is created, containing only the audio
in the original event. A clip for the new file is added to the Pool, and
the original event is replaced by a new event playing the new clip.
? If you click ?No? a new file is created and a clip for the new file is
added to the Pool.
The original event is not replaced.
You can also apply the Bounce Selection function to an audio part. In
that case, the audio from all events in the part will be combined into a
single audio file. If you choose ?Replace? when asked, the part will be
replaced with a single audio event playing a clip of the new file..
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