How do you edit drums in cubase or nuendo?

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george martin
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How do you edit drums in cubase or nuendo?

Post by Slider » Sun Apr 04, 2004 12:33 pm

I'm just wondering what different techniques people use to edit drums in SX or Nuendo.
Do you create a folder track?
Do you ever cut and quantize to the grid?
What kind of crossfade times work best for editing single hits?
Do you auto crossfade the whole thing, or do them separate?

Any good links on this would be nice as well.


John Jeffers
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Re: How do you edit drums in cubase or nuendo?

Post by John Jeffers » Wed Apr 07, 2004 5:37 am

I create folder tracks for just about everything. I'm a folder track junkie ever since I discovered them.

I tried the whole cut/quantize thing, but gave up on the idea since there's so much bleed into other mics when recording drums. In my case, I have up to eight drum tracks that I have to try to cut/paste/crossfade to get them to sound right. Unless someone has a magic formula for this, I'd rather just have the drummer lay it down right rather than "fixing" the mix.

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Re: How do you edit drums in cubase or nuendo?

Post by ctmsound » Wed Apr 07, 2004 9:39 am

"Edit drums? I just play them right the first time." - Tim Alexander

I don't know if Nuendo has anything similar to Pro Tools' beat detective.

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Re: How do you edit drums in cubase or nuendo?

Post by drliebs » Wed Apr 07, 2004 11:40 am

I started replying thinking I have the answer but there are a couple finer points I am not sure of (and would like to know) There is an option for snapping to zero crossings which is crucial for clean edits. I was going to say use this option and edit the whole folder track, but I don't know if it will snap to zero points for each track, this is ideally what you would want to avoid the clicks and pops. If it works this way then editing drum parts should be a snap. If not make markers for your edit points then cut the individual tracks (using the zero crossing option) and move them one at a time.

Anyone know how this works (zero crossings in folder edits)? I am too busy to find out at the moment...oh shite, time to get back to work!
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