adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

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adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

Post by cashed checks » Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:39 pm

#1. i'm pretty new to PT

#2. I've checked every resource i could find(including 'search' and the DUC)

#3. I can't find a specific enough answer

the PROB
i just got a Digimax 96k to go with my Digirack. In my month of digital recording everything has gone exactly how it should. i do what the manual says and it just works. but not this. I can't get PT to recognize the clock on the Digimax.

I have it set to "optical adat" and try select "adat" on the clock source pulldown. after 2 seconds it tells me it is not valid and is reverting the clock to internal.

I've played around with sampling rate on each device and still nothing works. i've tried powering on the Digimax before everything else so it recognizes that it's there. I've started new session after new session, restarting my Mac, changing defaults. i've pretty much exhausted every idea i could come up with on my own. i'm i forgetting something stupid?

Everything i've read pretty much says that all you have to do is plug in the Optical cable, change the word clock source in PT to "external" and everyting should be golden. what gives?

i'm really scratching my head here. i'll end up calling Presonus in the morning but it'd really help me sleep better if i knew what was going on.

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Re: adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

Post by cashed checks » Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:57 pm

ok, i THINK i've got it. i'm not sure though. after doing the same thing i've done a million times before, it finally worked. fingers crossed that it doesn't do anything funny on me again.

there still is a little bit of popping; think tiny, every 30-45 seconds. is that from my cheap hosa optical cable or something else? (def not a time clock issue, though.)

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Re: adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

Post by raw-tracks » Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:28 am

I am not familiar with ProTools and how you assign a clock source within the software. But I can tell you the little clicks you are experiencing now, are a result of clocking problems. I don't think think it has to do with your optical cables either. Usually the cheap Hosa's are fine. Seems like you are still having a software issue.

Are you sure you have the Digimax set up to send clock, or is it set up for external clock as well?

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Re: adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

Post by kcrusher » Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:10 pm

1. Make sure the Digmax is set to 48k or 44.1k sample rate (002 does not support higher sample rates on the optical input)

2. Make sure your Pro Tools session is set to the same sample rate (you can check the sample rate in the session by going to Windows>Show Session Setup.).

2. Make sure in HW setups that Optical=ADAT and RCA=SPDIF, then choose the proper clock source is chosen (I think it's listed as either ADAT or Optical).

You should be good to go.
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Re: adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

Post by cashed checks » Tue Jun 08, 2004 1:20 pm

thanks for the helps boys but i had already tried all of the above. something is definately wrong with the output jack on the digimax and it's on it's way back to Presonus. I have now been able to select the ADAT clock but PT keeps switching it back to internal because the input data keeps cutting out. And i've already checked the obvious cable problems and it's always on the Presonus end.

I know it's more than just a clock problem because now i get no feed/signal or anything coming from the Digimax and if i jiggle the optical cable i get my signal back again. yes, the signal pops but that's because the clock's off, but if i had a solid signal i would be able to use it fine. how's that for crazy circular confusion? i couldn't tell it was something other than a clock problem because of the clock problem itself. Oy!

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Re: adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

Post by soundhack » Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:07 pm

have you tried sending the digimax signal to any other device?

it sounds like the optical connector on the digimax might be a bit flakey... does it seem a little loose?

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Re: adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

Post by cashed checks » Thu Jun 10, 2004 9:27 am

VERY loose.

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Re: adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

Post by soundhack » Thu Jun 10, 2004 10:14 am

astronaut wrote:VERY loose.
okay - i'll wager that the optical led is soldered directly to the circuit board, and that it is now broken off of the circuit board. the only time it is working, is when you wiggle it so that the metal connections touch.

any pro audio repair shop should be able to fix this. if under warantee, you should take advantage of the warantee. tell them it was like this when you got it...

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Re: adding adat pres to digirack (presonus digimax) heeeelp!

Post by rolandk » Thu Jun 10, 2004 6:01 pm

astronaut wrote:VERY loose.
Dumb question- when you plug in your optical cable, does it kind of 'click' in place? You have to push on it kinda firm. After it clicks in its in there pretty snug.
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