dp4 and the darth vader issue.

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Shane Michael Rose
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dp4 and the darth vader issue.

Post by Shane Michael Rose » Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:01 pm

so we were working on a song all day. last overdub and the weirdest thing happens. upon a playback everything plays back very slowly and with a darth vader type of distortion going on. not cool with me at all.

it has happened once before and i deleted the last track i created and it went away

could this be from a corrupt file of some sort?

does this happen to other people?

im running a 1 year old powerbook g4 w/ motu 8238 mkII

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Re: dp4 and the darth vader issue.

Post by nlmd311 » Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:33 pm

Sample rate issue maybe?
Did you change the rate and forget to change it back before doing the overdub? I know that if I am working a project using the 828mkII that is being recording at 24/96, and you go to a project that is 16/44.1 the sample rate will drop on the 828. If you don't go back and adjust it in the FireWire Console control software you and continue using 16/44.1 to run a project that was recorded at 24/96k you will end up hearing the audio playback exactly as you described. The Darth Vader comparison is perfect for this, but not sure if that is exactly what you are referring to.

hope you figure it out.
I am sure someone here knows it. If not, there is always MOTU support. They have been very quick to reply (same day) with the few issues I had when I first set up my 828mkII.
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Re: dp4 and the darth vader issue.

Post by Rigsby » Wed Dec 29, 2004 12:17 am

Yeah, definately sounds like sample rate to me too.
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