"qualified" hard drives for PTLE 6.4

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"qualified" hard drives for PTLE 6.4

Post by toothpastefordinner » Wed Dec 29, 2004 12:59 pm

I just got a Digi 002 and have been screwing around with it on Mac OSX 10.3. No problem except the place I bought it from shipped me a Fantom Drive (as recommended by Digi, at least I thought so) to go along with it. No big deal... right?

Apparently the drive will not work for playback (loaded the demo session up and tried to play it back... no dice.) and to get any sound out of it I gotta record to the computer's internal HD. Which I don't wanna do for obvious reasons.

Soooooo.... anyone got recommendations for a reasonably-sized (80+ GB) quiet, qualified hard drive?? Please? (I couldn't find anything on digi's site...)

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Re: "qualified" hard drives for PTLE 6.4

Post by tdmguy » Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:53 pm

The Fantom drive should work, however it may have shipped formatted for PC. If so, you'll need to reinitialize for Mac. Backup all of the contents of the drive if you have anything on there as this procedure will erase the disk. Then, go to Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility. Select the drive in Disk Utility and go to Erase. For Volume Format, choose Mac OS Extended [don't choose journaled].

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Re: "qualified" hard drives for PTLE 6.4

Post by maz » Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:47 pm

your post doesn't say that the drive isn't recognized or doesn't work in general- so before you go to that extreme (reformatting) have you checked in the PT workspace to make sure that you've checked that drive for playback and record? it sounds like it's set to transfer and that's why it won't play back.

In PT 6 you have to authorize all of your drives. It's supposedly to keep you from accidentally recording to the wrong drive. But it's a pref. that keeps resetting and is generally more trouble than it's worth.

You just go to workspace (under one of the menus on the right) and you'll see two columns- an A and a V next to each drive. Under A (audio), make sure it's set to R (record)

If you know all this then please disregard my idea!

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Re: "qualified" hard drives for PTLE 6.4

Post by toothpastefordinner » Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:33 am

Brilliant! It was indeed set to "transfer". Thank you maz, I spent like an hour yesterday trying to figure out this problem, and I had a feeling someone would know what was up.


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Re: "qualified" hard drives for PTLE 6.4

Post by maz » Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:58 am


Just FYI, that preference has a magical way of resetting itself. You'll open up a session and it will ask you where to copy it. Stuff like that.

One thing I've noticed that helps is to always make sure your FW drive is turned on and mounted before opening PT. If you do it the other way around, the preference will be changed.

Also, another odd thing- if PT is open, you can't unmount a FW drive. You have to quit PT first.

Glad I could help. The patchbay I bought from you a while back is helping me a bunch!


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