getting started on computers...

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getting started on computers...

Post by oldtownrobot » Fri Dec 31, 2004 9:21 am

i m thinking that i m going to start recording straight to a computer, but i m not sure what i have to do exactly... get a sound card, i need a different mixing board. i already have the software. does anyone want to throw me any tips on what to buy as far as hardware? i want to be able to hook up some monitors and a soundcraft mixing board. simplicity is good.

thank you.

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Re: getting started on computers...

Post by chetatkinsdiet » Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:17 pm

Buy hardware that works well with your software and computer. You are actually doing this in the correct order. You should pick the software platform first, then decide on what you want to do with your studio and therefore what you need in the way of hardware. Meaning, is it just you? Will you be recording one or two tracks at a time? If so, buy a soundcard/audio interfact accordingly. If you want something like an 8 I/O recording ability now, but want to add to this later...possibly adding 8 more....then look for something that will allow for that. Do you need/want mic pres in your audio interface? Answer all of these questions, then determine the computer that will go along with this. I mean, if you choose Pro tools as your platform, you'd probably be better off going with a Mac. Logic = Mac. Cubase = win or mac. Nuendo = win. There are few absolutes here as most will work with either, but some, definitely better with one platform than the other. There are some quirky pieces on the PC side....especially with MOTU boxes. They work best with certain motherboards and CPU's. Also sound cards can mess with some audio computers, etc. There are a zillion things to consider here, but once you answer all the above questions, then you can best move forward.
The only true great mic on this planet is the Shure SM-57. It is the most consistant in not totally sucking of anything ever built. All other mics are "application dependant".

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audio school graduate
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Re: getting started on computers...

Post by oldtownrobot » Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:30 pm

that s helpful. thank you : )

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Re: getting started on computers...

Post by mrc » Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:26 pm

The guys at the forum seem to like the VSL 2020, it has analog, adat and Spdif connectors I believe. Several places have them for around 230 bucks US. YOu might go to the forums of your software makers and see what people like, but the VSL should work with about anything.

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Re: getting started on computers...

Post by drliebs » Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:55 am

If you want to use you board for mixing, then your hardware will need outs for each channel that you want to use on the board. A lot of hardware has a couple of stereo outs and they expect that you will be mixing in the computer. If this is the way you want to work, then your board will not serve mutch of a function for mix down. It will still be usefull for recording and routing inputs to the computer.

I have used Echo's Gina and it was great, and now have the Tascam US-428 and I love it. Never really had any problems with the hardware and I have used it with AMD's and Intel CPU's. There used to be a lot of problems with VIA chipsets although much of that has been addressed. Most of the manufacturers still recomend Intel even though a lot of users are fine with AMD.

So figure out how many ins and outs you need and give us a budget to work with and we can give you a few ideas. :)
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