Is reason worth the money?

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Re: Is reason worth the money?

Post by JohnDavisNYC » Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:12 pm

my only problem is how shitty the mix bus sounds. and the shitty synth sounds. and the shitty filters. well, no, it's not really that bad... the samplers are handy. and the drum machine has the 'random' feature which rules. everything is one demensional and flat. it does the trick, but doesn't have any depth or headroom. although you can clip the fuck out of the output and that sounds kinda cool for drums.

i like to make music with music and stuff and things.

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Re: Is reason worth the money?

Post by tommymakestapes » Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:42 pm

i'll be the first to agree that it can sound one dementional, that i wouldn't use reason as a standalone piece of software. but it has been worth the money for me. i personally dont use the mixer, or the effects in it that much anymore as i have purchased better sounding vst's but it's great for experimenting, and i've never met a more forgiving graintable synth. i like the subtractor (i know...) if i spend some time with it and really tinker with it. if anything it's a great learning tool i've gained a lot of knowledge about samplers, synths, etc that i've been able to apply in many more situtaions then just in reason.

also after hearing the combinator with 3 or 4 synths loaded into it. the one dementional synth problem is over.


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