help...keystation 49e issues

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help...keystation 49e issues

Post by patterson » Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:15 pm

i need some help from someone who has one of these.
so i just bought one of these used keystation 49e controllers, the real basic one. i'm running osx on a powerbook g4, so i don't need to install any drivers. My computer recognizes the device and all seems fine, but when i plug it in to garageband to try it out, i can't get any of the keys to work. the volume slider on the keystation will control the volume fader on any software instrument track, but no sound.
also, in the 'advanced functions' mode, i can't seem to make any of the keys work. the manual leads me to believe that when in 'advanced functions' mode, the keyboard will automatically exit that mode and return to normal after you make a selection. the "advanced function' light remains lit after i press any key: enter, cancel, reset all controllers, etc.
it's supposed to be a basic 'plug and play' controller, which leads me to believe there's something wrong with it. but if anyone can help me out, and tell me if i'm missing something here, i would greatly appreciate it.

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Re: help...keystation 49e issues

Post by Wilkesin » Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:53 am

I have a keystation61 and sometimes Reason wont recognize it unless it is plugged in and turned on from the moment i boot up the computer. As far as garageband settings Im in the dark, but there is a control panel in Reason where you have to tell the program where the midi infor is coming from (i.e. - what controller) i would think there is also something similar in Garageband.

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Re: help...keystation 49e issues

Post by aishabag23 » Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:20 pm

also... i've found that even though mac osx does recognize the controller, installing the driver can prevent certain annoyances. it's got to be worth a try.


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