Yamaha buys Steinberg

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Re: Yamaha buys Steinberg

Post by japmn » Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:28 pm

Gibson? they make guitars.

Adobe? not really known for Audio (or good user interfaces)

Apple? Had no choice. final cut... audio sucks! Improve you "i life"

Pennical... who?

I see it the same way as i saw sony buying up the sonic foundry family.

both have been deeply involved in pro audio for a very long time.

I may just be optimistic.

I hope.

the japmn

Paul Fury 161
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Re: Yamaha buys Steinberg

Post by Paul Fury 161 » Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:02 am

hi all

FWIW, Adobe have released Cool Edit Pro v2 ( the last version) as Adobe Audition v1 (AFAIK), it's a great little app, very good, but development has stopped basically now that Syntrillium don't own it - and as we all know, these things need to change and grow, support new stuff etc.Not so good.I think Adobe bought it to bundle it with Premiere, so the video editors have a good multitrack DAW for free.

As for the Sony/Sonic Foundry stuff, that's also gone fairly screwy. Soundforge is still really good, the new Acid versions are growing, great stuff.But Vegas had pretty much been thrown to the video wolves.It also is a great program ( I mixed all sorts of band stuff semi pro and for radio on Cool Edit Pro and later on, Vegas) but missing huge bits that the userbase is crying out for - Sony had a list of requests on the message board for v4, pretty much NONE of them were fulfilled - for example and to name only one, you can't record in from more than two inputs simultaneously - which excludes it from most tracking.You can't therefore create insert loops for outboard processing.When stuff like this is missing, features like ADC are a million miles away.And yet the video aspect of Vegas was GREATLY expanded.Bummer.

I'm in limbo at the minute, changing my hard and soft ware. I think i'm probably gonna go MOTU/DP with a g4 laptop to track with and (eventually) a dual g5 for mixing etc. (I've traditionally been a PC guy with various cards)

All this wrangling means that in some ways there are less viable software platforms now than there were say, four years ago - I don't want to learn more than two DAW's really well, I'm fair with Protools (by necessity) but aren't so keen on the implementation of the hardware for LE.I don't want to buy products that aren't going to have continued development, otherwise i'll just be switching again....after all, i want to track-edit-mix-master ...make music with these things, not be constantly retraing how to do stuff I could already do.

Sorry for the OT rant, just been thinking about all this stuff a lot in the past year, seems that somehow it's the consumer that loses out most from all these mergers and buyouts....

Take it easy yallz,

Paul Fury 161

P.S. Anybody here work on Pyramix, Samplitude or Soundscape?Any joy?
"These mixes are really great. I only want to re-record all the guitars and vocals - can I have the masters please?"



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