why is my PC locking up?

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Re: why is my PC locking up?

Post by spankenstein » Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:11 pm

Yes they do... and also the Athlon had no thermal protection (really bad). The Pentiums will lock up whne the get hot the CPU will throttle itself then it will essentially shut down.

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Re: why is my PC locking up?

Post by nlmd311 » Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:29 pm

I love the way things work out. I spent the day working on backing everything up in the case something went horribly wrong and I had to resort to drastic measures. Well, about 9 hours later the computer is working like a champ. An olympic champ too, not a fender champ. :?
Anyway. I guess that is a good thing. However I am just stumped.
I tried just about everything everyone suggested so far... I really don't think it is a problem with the MOTU. Played a long cd without a single problem and stand-alone it doesn't have any conflict.

Everybody's X: I have tried in the past to turn off the 828 when the lock up happens, but it stays just like that. I thought it was a good idea and glad that it wasn't just something without theory that I was hoping would work.
I had all kinds of problems with the WDM drivers when I first got the 828 and my latency using the ASIO is pretty low, I think. Don't think I want to head back down that road again, but I might just to check it out...

I guess I will just have to see what happens. It probably saw all the posts in the forum and got scared and straightened up!!! :P Thanks for scaring the bug out of my computer (for now)!
If/when it returns atleast I know where to start looking and working from.
Probably tomorrow. Dammit.

Thanks again

slowly panning across something kind of crappy...

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Re: why is my PC locking up?

Post by myphx » Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:14 am

Just some thoughts and suggestions:

Possibility of not enough RAM. Try increasing your RAM, to at least 1GB. (If you don't already have that much.)

If it could possibly be a heating (or airflow) issue: Remove the left side panel and try running your PC like that for a while and see if you have any problems. Make sure your fans are working to while the tower is open, especially the heatsink fan that lies over the processor (AMD I presume?)
The heatsink fan is a little tricky to install if you have to get a new one.

In the task manager, make sure there are no other applications running. If there are just click "end task."

A hard drive that is making "clicking" sounds can be a sign of corrupted data, possibly from a virus. You might have to format the drive, and reinstall the operating system. If it stalls during the format process - the drive could be damaged.

In XP (What OS do you have?) You can run Scandisk, through the command prompt. It's under Programs - Accessories. After the C: prompt type SCNDSK. If there are files under "bad sectors" this could mean there is physical damage to the drive.


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