What to replace ProTools with?

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Re: What to replace ProTools with?

Post by mrufino1 » Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:33 pm

You're not tied to one piece of software with the mbox- I use it with protools, of course, but also Sonar and Reason. I can't get it to work with SOund Forge yet, but I think I need to download another driver, which I haven't had a chance to do yet-in fact, I'm going to do it now!

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Re: What to replace ProTools with?

Post by workshed » Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:47 pm

mrufino1 wrote:You're not tied to one piece of software with the mbox- I use it with protools, of course, but also Sonar and Reason. I can't get it to work with SOund Forge yet, but I think I need to download another driver, which I haven't had a chance to do yet-in fact, I'm going to do it now!
Yeah, I know -- it was being tied to Digi hardware that bugged me. That felt limiting to me, only being able to choose from a Digi001 or an 002 or greater if I wanted more inputs than what the mBox could provide for PT.

So I decided to work from the hardware back to the software. Found a good deal on the hardware and am now here. :-)

I was pretty gung ho about PT for a long time, but this forum has helped me realize that it's not the software that makes the recording -- it's the engineer. Enough people are happy with other solutions that I think I can find an alternative that will suite me just as well without having to spend a ton of money on hardware. I hope.

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Re: What to replace ProTools with?

Post by sonikbliss » Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:00 pm

Logic Pro is so loaded it's not even funny and it's only like $500 with an educational discount. Well worth it if you ask me.

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Re: What to replace ProTools with?

Post by Johnna » Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:21 am

I use DP and I guess as I have never used another DAW software I am a little biased. That being said DP does it all and has a cool MOTU-Mac Yahoo user group.
There is also some awesome DVD tutorial disks that help me out when the manual is a bit too much. I bought a computer in the early 90's with DP on it and had the ownership transferred to me for free. Since that time I have paid for 2 upgrades (a total of 300 dollars) and use the latest version. Pretty cool if you think that is over 10 years of upgrades. I know you are using MOTU hardware, but to recap Digital Performer used with Reason, SampleTank and Stylus RMX works OK fine for me. Ok that is my 2?'s
Johnna :P


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