Sound FX librarian?

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Sound FX librarian?

Post by FuzzGtr » Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:03 pm

ok, anyone here do sound fx for a living or hobby? and if you are on pc what kinda sound fx librarian do you use?

i've been resorting to the hollywood edge and sound ideas downloadable databases - but they are sorta wanky.

anyone using fxlibrary or anything else (like basehead - new app on scene)?

my pals on macs use soundminer - but i'm a pc guy - almost wanna switch to mac for several other reasons but for now i'm staying pc.




-o-0 FUZZY 0-o-

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Re: Sound FX librarian?

Post by operator_tape » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:07 am

If you don't spend the big bucks you won't get good sound libraries, unless you make them yourself. My suggestion is to make all the sounds yourself, therefore you will have more control over them and get exactly what you want, and if there are some sounds that you don't think you can get then you improvise and create them from scratch. Check out, they have alot of interesting things in my opinion.

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Re: Sound FX librarian?

Post by Roboburger » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:52 am

I bought a box of four sound effects CDs at Tower for 9.99 a few years back- I have gotten a lotta milage outta them.

dunno if they are copyright free- they sound old enough to be in public domain, and they were in the section with all the public domain classical CDs.

With a little bit of tweaking in sound forge I can get a lot outta them- I layered an office sound with two electrical sounds to make a satellite beeping sound for the new Magnapop album. A bit of pitch shift on the dentist drill gave it the sound of a dentist 'rev-ing' the drill in anticipation of sadistic pleasure.

there's a really great stereo military helicopter hover on the war sounds disc that i used live with this band that had a Doors-ish breakdown where the singer recalls being 'in the shit' in a foxhole in vietnam in 1963 with Elvis.

Ahhhh, shitty sound effects.
Audio Engineer Euphemism for going number two: "Rollin' off the Low End."


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