PCI-X Soundcard for G5 - Suggestions please?

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PCI-X Soundcard for G5 - Suggestions please?

Post by jebjerome » Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:55 am


I was formally using a MOTU 2408 MKII, but got a G5(woohoo) which is great but the upgrade for the MKII is $300 and it seems like I should just get something the can handle 96 while I'm spending the money. So... here's what I would like in it: Wordclock I/O, 2 stereo outs and/or main out and headphone out. AES or SPDIF in/out a must and 2-8 analog ins would be cool. Any additional cool features would be fine - MIDI, metering, ability to rackmount, whatever.

Thanks for your advice.

<i>who shot...
What, who, the bazooka was who
And to my rescue, it was the S1Ws - PE</i>


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