phase issues

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gettin' sounds
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phase issues

Post by loosegravel » Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:55 am

I finnally got some outboard gear (ART Pro VLA) and have been running it on some tracks. When it came to mixing I decided to take all 6 drums tracks I had, send them out to the VLA and mix them with the origional signal. I took output 3&4 on my MOTU 828, sent them to the VLA and put them back into the computer through my sebatron pres. When I went to mix the signals together I was getting some nasty phase problems. No manner of sliding seemed to get rid of it. Move it too much and it becomes delay, don't move it enought and it sounds bad. I tried flipping the phase, nothing seemed to work. any help?

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Re: phase issues

Post by Al_Huero » Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:21 pm

If it's really a phase problem then the above should work. Are you sure you're zoomed in enough to slide it appropriately? Can you match the peaks in the wave forms?

zen recordist
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Re: phase issues

Post by MoreSpaceEcho » Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:30 pm

this is what i do....

send whatever tracks you like to the VLA and record the output back onto one or two tracks on your computer (ah i reread your post and see you're doing this anyway. right...). then zoom all the way in and line it up EXACTLY with the originals. to make this easier, what i do is put a few metronome clicks right at the end of whatever track i'm processing outside the computer. the metronome clicks have a real obvious peak and i make sure they're way down in level so they don't get affected by the compression or anything. this makes it really simple to line the tracks up and is much quicker than having to slide tracks around and try and get it right.

anyway, the phase you're hearing is caused by the latency involved in the D>A>D conversion. nothing you can do about it.

hope that helps.


gettin' sounds
Posts: 124
Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2003 8:23 pm

Re: phase issues

Post by loosegravel » Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:34 pm

thanks. That should do it.


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