Drummer needed Durham, NC

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Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2004 7:16 pm
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Drummer needed Durham, NC

Post by kmcpeak » Sun Apr 11, 2004 7:32 pm

Contemporary folk singer songwriter out of Durham, NC looking for a drummer. Have consistent shows in the NC area as well as occasional short tours throughout the midwest area. Please check out my website @ www.brothersean.com.

I currently do a lot of live looping and perform with some pre-recorded tracks (synths, drum machines and electric guitars) from my album. I'd like to find a drummer who plays very solid in the pocket stuff. Nothing fancy just groove oriented. Also an interest in playing with loops live (drum and guitar) is essential.

Please include some information about yourself, your age, experience as a drummer, current or past bands you are in, and any MP3's of streaming audio online if available. Please email info@brothersean.com.


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