Looking for talented singer/songwriter in Seattle area...

Shawn Simmons
buyin' a studio
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Joined: Wed May 07, 2003 11:07 am
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Looking for talented singer/songwriter in Seattle area...

Post by Shawn Simmons » Thu Feb 12, 2004 1:32 pm

I'm looking for a singer/songwriter (male or female) who can SING AND WRITE GOOD SONGS to work with on a collaborative recording project. Must be open to new ideas and different musical styles, flexible with time, willing to work hard and work towards perfection, and generally be a nice person. No addicts, divas, or Fred Durst wanna-bes. No control freaks or butt-rockers.

What you will get: very cheap recording time in a good studio (most likely free) and an engineer/producer who wants to work on good songs.

PM me if you're interested or if you know of someone.



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