good chicago band looking for a drummer.

audio school
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Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 11:35 am

good chicago band looking for a drummer.

Post by rollerskate_skinny » Wed Nov 26, 2003 12:55 pm

where are you chris mars?
two guitars and bass looking for a drummer...
old97s. replacements. kinks. pretenders. faces. good music. dont forget the ramones and the pixes. we have a great songwriter. previous endeavors have wound up on dawsons creek and in indie films. we have great songs, a huge space, recording equipment, and contacts up the back end. we just finished recording a 7 song thing, and our drummer left us to persue his modeling career or something. he was great, please replace him. not fill in. write your own parts. were looking for a member, not a fill in. some places weve played - shubas, double door, beat kitchen, and so on. please have a good kit and a way to get it around, but whatever - if you play great, well hire you a driver or something. also looking for a friend...hang out and laugh with us. we mostly play bars as you can see, so 21+ is a plus, but we can always sneak you in a suitcase or something kids... were 24-30.

send me a message here if youre interested and we can talk.

audio school
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:46 am

Re: good chicago band looking for a drummer.

Post by EHarmon » Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:02 am

Hello, My name is Eric Harmon. I have been the drummer for the
Chainsaw Kittens since 1993. Have you heard of them. Probably not,
presently in Norman, Oklahoma. Recording my own stuff. I love all
the bands you listed, especially Replacements. Love chris marrs, and
martin chambers. I'm 34, and look young, look like keith moon a little
and can rock hard. Get Back with me if this sounds interesting.
P.S. I have played in Chicago quite a bit, and toured with the likes
of Iggy Pop, Meat Puppets and various other freaks.

Thanks Eric


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