Looking for Boston/Cambridge Roomate/Recording Partner

ass engineer
Posts: 47
Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2004 8:08 am
Location: Boston, MA / Ithaca/ Binghamton, NY

Looking for Boston/Cambridge Roomate/Recording Partner

Post by mack » Tue Mar 16, 2004 8:12 am

Here's what I am looking for. I would like to move into a somewhat cheap (around 600/month) apartment in the Cambridge area. I would consider anywhere in Boston/Cambridge/Somerville though. I am hoping to find a roomate who is very interested in recording and would be interested in using some of the apartment space to set up a small studio. I have a good amount of equipment, but would like the other person to have some decent equipment too, so our combined equipment would increase each of our recording productivity. I am currently in school, and would like someone who is either around that age range or in school themselves. Ideally, this person would play as well and be willing to help out with my projects, as I would with theirs. I personally play guitar, piano, and sing. I listen to a variety of music, but am very into classic rock, some indie rock (broken social scene, starlight mints, franz ferdinand, sondre lerche, etc), and some alt. country (neko case, southern cuture on the skids, early old 97's). I realize this post is ridiculously detailed, but I figure I should get it all out there now. If you are interested contact me and I'd like to meet up and discuss the possible scenario. Thanks!



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