Studio SOS

Feedback on the current issue, ideas for articles, questions about Tape Op

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Studio SOS

Post by cwileyriser » Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:14 pm

It'd be cool to TapeOp run a column something like Sound on Sound's "Studio SOS."

Seeing as how it probably would have to be done on a low-budget or no-budget basis from the magazine's perspective, maybe it could be a "best spent $500" basis. For example, anyone who writes in wanting to have their home studio given the once-over would commit to spending $500 to implement the suggestions with the columnist/author's help (e.g., not on pres and mics, but on DIY acoustic treatment, rearranging the layout, cleaning up cable runs, setting up computer templates, adding a headphone mixer or monitor control switch, etc.).

Maybe it'd be possible to do something like that with a few volunteer columnists in strategic locations around the US?

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Post by lancebug » Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:30 am

That would be cool. Maybe it could be a deal where people could submit their setup and their budget and what they would hope to achieve. People would be selected based on which tape-op editor/contributors find the submission interesting and if the visit is feasable logistically. There could be a nominal fee(preferably small) to cover gas,food and whatever other resources that tape op might have to expend to make it go. Photos of the project could be put up on the website instead of the magazine to save space.

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