Open Letter for Gear Manufacturers

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Post by soundguy » Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:07 pm

why do you assume your users are such a bunch of fucking idiots. Clearly you must based on some of the outrageous bullshit Ive seen on gear.

To address the walwart issue, if the gear has transoformers in it, a wall wart is a really good way to save tons of money on the enclosure for shielding. The big giant outboard power supply is the other solution on the cheap.

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Post by gevermil » Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:31 pm

show the insides of your product and explain the design
like hardy , jlm , mytek ect
were entering the time when nothing is sacred
good design and quality parts are all the matter , right?

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Post by ottokbre » Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:58 pm

when naming your product something that will sound silly and embaresing in the studio, such as "wiggleator xtreme", could you please give us the common name of the product as well? (i.e. compressor, reverb, limiter, tremolo etc.)

it's taken me years to figure out what the hell each electro-harmonix unit does, and now it's going through another generation of hair-brained names with "pro"-audio gear now.
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Post by nacho459 » Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:16 am

Hey I support the curly headphone cables!

Here's my list:

Two words, Cinemag Transformers!
Another two words, Passive Equalizers!
Include rack screws with your rackmount gear. (TEAC used to do this, and I know it's a little thing, but I liked it)
Make gear easy to work on / mod. IE: I can access the PCB without disassembling the entire unit and removing all the knobs.
If you are going to build a piece of tube gear, make it actually tube, all tube, and use a real B+.
And while we are on tubes there are ton of alternatives to the 12AX7.
Hire real EE's to design your gear.
If it's just a 6L6 don't call it a 7027
If it's just a 12AX7 don't call it a 7025

And here's my list of whys

Why did Yamaha stop making NS10's?
Why did Neumann make a dynamic mic?
Why did AKG stop making the D12?
Why doesn't Neumann make U86's, KM84's, KM86's, and U47 FET's any more?
Why does Neumann think only transformerless mics are cool?
Why can't someone in eastern Eurasia make a VF14?

Dan Yack
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Post by Dan Yack » Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:07 pm

Why do I have to start a fawking Yahoo Group in the hopes of finding someone who has figured out how to decipher the manual???

Why not include EXTRA Screws and knobs, and tell me they are extra!

Why put 'input gain' on the front of the rack, and 'output gain' on the back?

Why use a tube if you're not gonna make it warm?

Why not include a schematic, but a real schematic showing signal flow and expected DC voltages, etc.?

Why black knobs on black face with dark lettering?

Why buttons the size of a rice grain?


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