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Post by hiconfidence » Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:14 am

Once again I'm considering heading to Austin in March for the South by Southwest music festival...Lots of bands I have worked w/ have played/are playing there...

as an independent producer/enginner is this a good opportunity to meet potential clients/bands/labels/etc...? Has anyone had any experience there from this angle?

I'm sure it would be fun, but is it worth the expense to go for this reason?


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Post by exit2studios » Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:52 pm

For what it's worth, this will be the first year that I will NOT be attending SXSW...and I live in Dallas. It's a lot of fun, but honestly the promoters have gotten a bit big for their britches if you ask me. Standing in lines for hours (with a VIP badge) is not fun. It's a great event with a lot of bands, but trying to see multiple bands in one night gets tricky, especially if you're looking to see any band with even the slightest "buzz". The number of "industry" people that make it down is unbelievable. It's even worse for the actual people who just buy wristbands as fans.

I'm sure there are others here with a different opionion though.

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Post by digitaldrummer » Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:44 pm

Austin cops are bad enough when its NOT SXSW. Just ask Ozomatli what happens when it IS actually that week.... I stopped going to the 6th street area several years ago. there are other gigs out there.

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Post by chris harris » Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:16 pm

I agree with these guys. 6th street blows and SXSW isn't worth the trouble.

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Post by stinkpot » Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:52 am

I had a great time when my band played SXSW a few years ago. But realized that I'd never want to go as a fan. Too difficult (lines, etc) and expensive. I can't comment on whether or not it'd be a good place to make industry contacts, but I imagine that are certainly tons and tons of industry people hanging out there.

Related, but somewhat off topic. If anyone is going this year - check out the detholz! from chicago. i'm not sure where they're playing or when, but man, are they a fun band that puts on a fabulous show. I have not connection to them other than they're friends. Check them out if you can.

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Post by mertmo » Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:54 pm

Guess it depends on your perspective and what your expectations are...

Last year I went for the very first time. I didn't really know what to expect, and I really had nothing except a gig with my band at a day party. I had no badge, no wristband, nowhere to stay. Just said fuck it, everyone who I had recorded in the previous year and or hung out with at all was going so I went. I figured I would read a book in the shade for a week if I had to and I was OK with that.

Turned out that I had the most fucking epic vacation ever, the best trip I've been on in the past ten years. Scored a wristband, scored places to stay including doing some urban camping in a cool guy's back yard, walking distance from downtown Austin. Saw a stupid amount of great shows, mainly day parties. I was rocked many times over by great acts. Met John Doe, who I was a big fan of, till he totally blew me off like a dick, after I gave him a very tasteful complement.

Saw great shows at night, the Doves, American Analog Set, Centromatic...

A band from Ireland called "the Frames" was so fucking good they literally made me CRY during their set, it was that moving. Me and my other two buddies could not speak for a couple of hours afterwards.

Played a killer set with my band, we took the whole room on a magic carpet ride.

Partied with every fucking albuquerque rocker I know, met some cool new people...
Didn't do the "convention" aspect of it at all, just went to day parties and saw shows at night.

Just one of those magic convergences that envelops you every so often in life. It was a dream week of rock and roll life, I came back totally inspired about music and my place in it.

Goddamn, what a great time!
So yeah... depends on your expectations and your previous experiences, and I had none of either.

Now for the disclaimer part:
I did go down with some guys who were very SXSW savvy, their act has been networking etc. for a while now. Had I not gone with them, I would have surely missed out on some of what I experienced, but definitely not all.

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