laptop thoughts?

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Chris Adolf
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laptop thoughts?

Post by Chris Adolf » Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:14 pm

So I'm using the PT 002 rack system and am looking to get rid of my desktop and move into a laptop so I can me a bit more mobile.
Does anyone have any thoughts regarding powerbook vs. mac-book vs. ibook?

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Post by tjcasey1 » Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:52 am

I have one bit of info to chew on: I have used a G3 12" iBook from the year 2000 with Digital Performer to both mix an album (with lots of effects plugins) and to record live sound and it worked amazingly well with no problems, so whatever you decide to get, I'm sure it will work well.

If you're using soft synths, though, get the fastest laptop you can afford.

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Post by Theron D » Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:04 am

I am in the same exact boat as you my friend....I have a 002R and am looking to go portable.....looking at a G4 Powerbook (15") or an ibook? I am waiting on those prices to drop on the Powerbooks, so far nada but it should be soon though....

the only downside with the ibook are that you cannot drive external monitors? (I think)

Still getting an apple referbished ibook for under $1k is very tempting...

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Post by evan » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:16 am

Theron D wrote:the only downside with the ibook are that you cannot drive external monitors? (I think)
This isn't true. iBooks have an external monitor port. You can run it in either mirror or screen-spanning mode, although you might need to apply a minor software patch to get screen-spanning to work (Extended Desktop, I believe).

I also work on an iBook (the newest G4 1.42 with 1.5G RAM), and have successfully run DP with over a dozen tracks and many plugins without a problem. I'd imagine Powerbooks would be a sounder choice, but I guess it depends on how much you expect to run off your portable setup, and if the price difference is worth the gains.

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Post by Chris Adolf » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:38 am

Cool thanks. How about those new macBooks with intel? Upon looking at the specs I realy can't see a big difference between them and the powerbooks. But mac swears that they are the future. Is it just marketing? Any thoughts?

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Post by evan » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:59 am

So far, the main problem with the MacBooks is all the software needs to catch up. I don't think any DAWs -- with maybe the exception of Logic, since it's owned by Apple -- are compatible with the MacBooks yet. Someone mentioned in another thread that it won't be an easy change, since so many audio-based programs are heavily reliant on the PowerPC's architecture. Another downside of going bleeding-edge is that you get all the associated problems of a new technology. So I think if you're looking for answer for your needs today, or within the next few months, you might want to stick with the tried-and-true until things settle.

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Post by Chris Adolf » Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:21 pm

Hey that's a good thought that I hadn't considered. Yeah I'm leaning towards the powerbook and away from the intel macbook now. I think that any leaning towards the macbook was because I was dazzeled by their promotion on the new product. Thanks for talking me back down to earth.

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Post by Dave Nutz » Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:27 pm

Might i just chime in on the fact that Ibooks are not of the best construction quality. The plastic case doesnt always sit well at the seams and can warp or crack.

So if durability is an issue, powerbook is definitely the way to go.
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Post by dirty » Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:47 pm

I think iBooks are great and they are certainly more affordable.

That said, my girlfriend and I use our laptops in almost the exact same ways (stress from travelling, etc..) She's had three iBooks in four years, and I've had one PB. (Which is now finally kicking the bucket.)

But one of those that died was a result of the faulty logic boards that Apple discontinued. So take it with a grain of salt.

Those MacBooks look fast though, don't they? What do people think of the sudden death of FW 800 and the new PC card size?

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Post by KennyD » Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:17 pm

I've got one of the last PowerBook G4s - 1.5Gigs that works great for audio.

I'm of the opinion to NOT buy the first version of any new radical change in a product (like the MacBook). I think I recall stories of battery packs catching fire in years past, bugs, etc.

The other thing to remember about moving to laptop mode is that you absolutely need Apple Care!

Good luck,

Kenny D

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Post by Chris Adolf » Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:21 pm

KennyD wrote:I've got one of the last PowerBook G4s - 1.5Gigs that works great for audio.

I'm of the opinion to NOT buy the first version of any new radical change in a product (like the MacBook). I think I recall stories of battery packs catching fire in years past, bugs, etc.

The other thing to remember about moving to laptop mode is that you absolutely need Apple Care!

Good luck,

Kenny D
What is Aple care? and why do I need it? Please forgive my ignorance. I've been recording on tape up until this year when I finaly broke down and got the 002 rack to finish a project and have liked my jump into the digital world so far. ( late bloomer huh?!) I just used my houshold PC so far and it has worked OK but I am building a mobile unit so I'm looking at the mac lap dudes.

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Post by KennyD » Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:25 pm

Chris Adolf wrote:What is Aple care? and why do I need it? Please forgive my ignorance. I've been recording on tape up until this year when I finaly broke down and got the 002 rack to finish a project and have liked my jump into the digital world so far. ( late bloomer huh?!) I just used my houshold PC so far and it has worked OK but I am building a mobile unit so I'm looking at the mac lap dudes.
Apple Care Info:

Laptops can be more accident/malfunction prone due to their mobile nature. Also, it's nice, if you are stuck with some technical question about OSX, to call and actually talk to a smart person.

-Kenny D

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Post by dirty » Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:52 am

I couldn't second that opinion enough. Apple Care saved my ass this year. My computer was three years old, just about to lose its coverage, and something major went wrong ad it stopped working completely.

Called Apple Care, DHL brought me a box to ship the thing, I dropped it off at DHL, it got to Houston in a day and was on its way back, totally fixed, within a couple days after that. All free.

Totally worth the $300 or whatever it is. The part I needed would have been more than twice that, and that's before labor, shipping, taxes, etc...

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Post by thearnicasync » Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:11 am

evan wrote:So far, the main problem with the MacBooks is all the software needs to catch up. I don't think any DAWs -- with maybe the exception of Logic, since it's owned by Apple -- are compatible with the MacBooks yet.
FWIW, I'm pretty sure Apple has announced that there won't even be Logic for mactel until March 31.

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Post by theBlubberRanch » Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:27 am

here's abit about Logic being demoed on the mac-intel.

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