The possibility of a studio outside of Nashville

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The possibility of a studio outside of Nashville

Post by bannerj » Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:22 pm

My brother in law owns some property outside of Franklin, TN near Leiper's Fork. It is an old B&B that he has been trying to turn into a studio with a residence. There are beds for some 12-15 people depending on the arrangement and he has turned the garage into a simple three room studio space--one large room and two smaller rooms. He has his own band and has found that he is too busy to get it going and has offered my wife and me the opportunity to move in there and take it over. He is offering us free rent/utilities and the chance to continue building the studio. The property is quite nice, but needs some work: a pool, arboretum, a pond, a river across the street

Right now I am trying to brain storm and see if there is even a need for a studio space like this 50 min outside of Nashville. The property is paid for, but the studio gear list is limited at this point. My hope would be to keep the gear list modest so that I can keep my prices low. That way I can appeal to newer/younger artists, or perhaps get some more established folks to use it as a songwriting retreat--write in the morning track demos in the afternoon.

Here is the gear we have right now:
otari 5050 8 track 1/2 inch
MH 2882 DSP 8 track digital interface
DP 4.6
Protools LE 002 rack

presonus central station

great river mp 2nv
ua 2108
dbx 160x

4 oktava mc012 (one pair is "matched")
at 4033
akg 414
2 pzms
2 57s

UAD with basic plugs
G5 single
ibook G4

Ofcourse some odds and ends in cables and stands too.

I know I can make good records with this stuff already, but I am assuming that to get steady clients in Nashville I might need to invest in some nice comps, maybe a couple serious mics and a PT HD system of some configuration.

I have recorded eight records in my project studio over the last two years, but I definitely still consider myself a novice. So, I was thinking that I might try to get an internship at a larger studio for the first year while I try to make some connections. I already have a few producers/engineers friends who might want to use the space when the come to Nashville, but we haven't talked yet about the gear they would expect to have available.

1. Do you think that a resource like this would be valuable in a place just outside of Nashville?
2. What do you think most engineers and producers would expect to find. Keep in mind I wouldn't be going after bigger label business.
3. How hard is it to get an internship or assistantship in Nashville? Any suggestions?

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Post by earl parameter » Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:42 am

what direction from nashville. anywhere near the hermitage? sort of northeast i guess. if so i can offer you my services, of which i have many. what sort of stuff are you into working on anyway?

and i might suggest the first thing to focus on other then the space itself should be a console. maybe?

good luck regardless,


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Post by bannerj » Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:00 am

I am not very familiar with the Nashville area yet, so I don't know where the hermitage is. It is in the Harpeth Valley southwest of Nashville.

I would like to have a solid, but basic console. I guess I am trying to figure out if the HD system really is essential, and if bands and artists would value an affordable place to stay outside of the city in order to focus on the recording and avoid distractions. I am wondering how common is it that artists are looking for this kind of a facility.

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Post by kayagum » Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:13 am

I think you also need to think about the hospitality, not just the gear.

A really cool studio near the Twin Cities:

(Best known for the studio that recorded In Utero (Nirvana)).

Good luck!

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Post by bannerj » Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:28 am

Wow...that is a very cool looking place. Our resources would not be that nice. That place looks more like a modern version of Darkhorse studio which has a more classic style.

Again, I won't be going after higher dollar projects. My hope is to work with indie folks or pre production or demos... I know it all comes down to relationships and networking. So in the final analysis I will probably just have to give it a shot and start meeting people. Just looking for any thoughts as I consider this posibility. Thanks

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Post by earl parameter » Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:35 am

there is a lot to consider and your right, hospitality and comfort are at the top of the list, and not just because its a B&B.

"I am wondering how common is it that artists are looking for this kind of a facility."

theres really no way to know how well it will work out until you try unfortunately. its going to depend and lots of things like advertising, the working reputation you maintain, the actual work you can turn out, the abilities you have in house, etc, etc, etc...

i think your going to have to weight the risks and see if your comfortable with them. you said you can live there rent free though!!! thats pretty huge. is there more money to finish the construction? or is this a work with what you have situation. how much construction is done?

oh and your on the other side of nashville from me. maybe about an hour of actual drive time.

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Post by cgarges » Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:37 am

kayagum wrote:A really cool studio near the Twin Cities:
Which is $800 a day for freelancers. There are equally well-equipped studios in Nashville for less than that. There's a LOT of competition there.

Chris Garges
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Post by bannerj » Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:15 am

I am guessing that I could keep daily costs to $400 or less even and a night's stay for no more than $30. The place is actually really nice--not pacyderm level--but still nice. It is a B&B that hasn't been in use for a few years. The plants in the arboretum are dead, the pool is filled with sludge...some rooms need paint, some floors need work and some we would need some new furniture. It has an old western style wet bar with the rugged wood floors and a pool table. I am thinking that some of the rooms in the B&B would be really great for different sounds.

The free rent is really huge. I am hoping my wife can get a job at a local university (phD in creative writing) and then I can work on the place, try to get some money together to buy more gear and then meet some people and get the word out.

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Post by howiemarx » Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:09 am

crashsick wrote:what direction from nashville. anywhere near the hermitage?

Franklin is south of Nashville. About 40min. from Hermitage.
cgarges wrote:There's a LOT of competition there.

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Post by river » Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:05 am


We'll be neighbors........I'm 15 minutes from Leiper's Fork. Go check out the link to my webpage via my profile. Leiper's Fork is full of writers and players, ie Michael McDonald, Tony Joe White, lots of pro road warriors and session cats. I'm getting busier by the week, doing all indie stuff, been open for a year and a half. It's essentially full time for me now. You'll do fine if you're good. Yeah, there's lots of competition here, but there's lots of mediocrity (as well as excellence) too.
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Post by bannerj » Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:04 am

Thanks for the tip. We haven't officially decided if we are going to do it yet, but it is looking like a real possibility. Your studio pics look nice...looks just like the area where we will be.

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Post by kayagum » Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:17 am

I was using the Pachyderm studio example for the vibe/comfort/accommodation level, not the gear and billing rates.

Oops- I forgot which board I'm on. :wink:

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Post by davedarling » Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:53 pm

The Castle studio is in Franklin - I did a record there in Feb. of last year. It's about 25 minutes outside of Nashville, and alot of the recording musos live in the area.
I think there might be a few studios in the area.
It's a great area - very rural. good luck.

dave darling

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Post by Rivers » Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:13 pm

As mentioned there is alot of competition and a ton of Musicians,Producers and songwriter types live in the Leiper's Fork/Franklin area.
Lots of money as well...Banker's,Gentleman farmers,lawyers.It's well heeled suburb of Nashvegas.

I don't want to shoot down your dream but I would guess you would a serious equipment upgrade and/or super great Building to attract clients.There are several nice studios in the area not to mention Nashville.

I bet there are sevral hundred peeps with Protools,DAW/Mac,a few good mics and some decent pres in Leiper's fork alone.

What would you be able to offer them that they can't get?
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Post by bannerj » Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:14 am

The thought is that ofcourse almost everybody has their own gear, but they might not have the space to set everything up for a week or two at a time. We have beds, a kitchen, bar, pool and a place to get away and focus, and because the property is already paid for, I don't have to charge a ton. I am thinking something like $200 a day for the rooms and even $30-$50 per person to stay overnight. They can rent whatever they want and bring it out. We wouldn't be advertising as a fancy B&B. It would be for the most part self-cook etc. If I try to outfit it with a ton of gear, then I will be definitely be trying to compete with all the many studios. Think of it as raw space to accomodate the folks with project studios who need to get out of the house for a good stretch of days to get some work done at a really affordable cost.

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