Where do I go from here?

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phantom power
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Where do I go from here?

Post by phantom power » Sat May 06, 2006 6:02 pm

So I've got a dual 500 g4 running OS9.2 and a digi001 running PTLE 5.0.1.
I wanna get rid of this system and get into something more portable.

I'm probably gonna get a used ibook and some sort of firewire interface.

What do you guys think will get me in the same boat as my current setup except portable? It doesn't have to be PT either. In fact, I really want to try DP or Nuendo.

I've got to keep it cheap though. Motu 828 maybe? Any opinions? Are they better than the 001?

I like to track to my MS16 and fly in to the computer using a behringer ada8000 so I'll need something with an optical lightpipe. I haven't even checked if the 828 has that yet.

Also since PT5 doesn't support dual processors I have been running basically on just one and that does me fine. When i'm looking for an ibook will something in the 800-900 mhz range give me comparable if not more power in a firewire setup or should I expect things to be alot different? Would it be better to just get a used 12" 1.2 or 1.33?

I don't know, I'm just now really diving into this and I feel a little overwhelmed. I don't want to take a step backward and can't afford a very big step forward so if anybody has some helpful words, please chime in.

Thanks -AE

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Post by sonikbliss » Sat May 06, 2006 10:47 pm

The new Macbooks (Intel iBook replacement) are supposedly coming out sometime this month (possibly as early as this Tuesday). I would wait until they are released and then snag an older iBook as their prices drop.

As far as an interface, the MOTU Traveler has gotten great reviews, Also they just came out with the new MOTU Ultra Light which looks pretty cool.

If you're a student you could get Logic Pro at a huge discount.

This would give you a very nice portable setup at an affordable price.

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Post by Professor » Sun May 07, 2006 12:08 am

While you obviously partial to Macs, it doesn't seem that you are one of those evangelistic Mac owners who updates his OS on the day each new one is released and all that. Still, if a Mac & OSx and all that stuff is in your future, and you really don't care about compatibility with your old sessions or what software platform you're using, I would want to recommend Logic. I've never used it, but if I were building a new system from scratch I would be inclined to go with a company that builds the computer hardware, the operating system, and the music software (and I think very soon they'll acquire a company that builds interfaces).
Lately it seems that every time Apple "upgrades" its operating system (which is about every 3-6 months) they manage to knock out a whole bunch of other people's software for which Apple has a competitive product. Remember that Logic is owned by Apple and is a direct competitor to ProTools, Digital Performer, Nuendo, etc. Anything else you purchase will be subject to the complications Apples been known to 'accidentally' throw out there.


phantom power
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Post by phantom power » Wed May 10, 2006 10:25 am

Thanks for the replies guys. I don't have internet at home so sometimes it takes me awhile to get back to my own posts.

What about the Motu 828? The original goes for around $250 or so and the mk2 goes for a little more. Anybody have much experience with either or both? Is this an upgrade from the 001? Do both have adat lightpipe?

And what about the 'under a gig' g4 ibooks, good for audio apps? Better than a limping dual 500 powermac?

Thanks for the heads up on Logic Pro. I am a student and will be looking into that. So far I've been leaning toward DP only because some friends of mine run that and can not only give me the newest version but I can also go between their place and mine alot easier. We even have the same tape machine.

Which brings up my last question (for now), will my PT files convert (without too much trouble) to DP or Logic Pro for that matter?

Thanks -AE

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Post by sonikbliss » Wed May 10, 2006 2:00 pm

phantom power wrote:And what about the 'under a gig' g4 ibooks, good for audio apps? Better than a limping dual 500 powermac?
I don't know that the improvement would be all that significant with the 'under a gig' g4 ibooks.

Another available option is a processor upgrade for your powermac, though that really isn't ideal for a portable setup. I upgraded my g4 466MHz powermac to a Gigadesigns dual 1.8GHz, and the improvement was huge. This route is not for everybody though.
phantom power wrote:Which brings up my last question (for now), will my PT files convert (without too much trouble) to DP or Logic Pro for that matter?
If you consolidate all of your audio files so that they have the same start time, and save them as .WAV files, you will be able to imort them into pretty much any program you want.

phantom power
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Post by phantom power » Thu May 11, 2006 10:23 am

Thanks sonikbliss,

How do I consolidate my audio files so they have the same start time and why is that necessary?


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Post by sonikbliss » Thu May 11, 2006 2:53 pm

phantom power wrote:Thanks sonikbliss,

How do I consolidate my audio files so they have the same start time and why is that necessary?

Edit>Consolidate Selection (shift+option+3)

Make sure you have all the audio files selected with the same start time.

Basically the reason for doing this is so that when you import the files into another software program they all line up correctly in time with each other.

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Post by Professor » Thu May 11, 2006 3:18 pm

But keep in mind that once the regions are consolidated, all of the fades, edits, etc. are rendered permanent. You could always re-edit, or shorten a fade that's too long, but you can't stretch out a fade that's too short.
Unfortunately it's not too easy to move sessions back and forth between competitive programs. Some of them try to import & export but there are so many different programs with different features and different ways of approaching things that it's hopelessly impossible for manufacturers to handle that.


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iBook recommendations.

Post by Edweird » Tue May 16, 2006 5:30 am

According to Mactracker the iBook G4 comes with 10.3. This is important to you. 10.2 was a dog primarily because of the non-native Finder and it also lacked most of the audio capabilities (Audio Units and such). I would try to go with the middle of the road one (933mhz). It's more likely to have a larger HD (40-60gb) which will come in handy. Replacing the HD in an iBook is not fun. Believe me; I know this. ;-) I would strongly recommend avoiding the G3 iBooks if you can. I would also max out the RAM.

I would also recommend keeping the 500mp and running OS 10.3 on it as well. It'll be like having a new machine.
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Post by sonikbliss » Tue May 16, 2006 4:33 pm

New Macbooks came out today! I would watch the prices on the ibooks as they should start dropping soon. :wink:

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Post by UXB » Wed May 17, 2006 12:37 am

I would seriously consider getting the new MacBook, as it is really that much faster, and the price is not that much higher than getting a G4.

They are muuuuuch faster.


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Post by sonikbliss » Thu May 18, 2006 12:59 pm

UXB wrote:I would seriously consider getting the new MacBook, as it is really that much faster, and the price is not that much higher than getting a G4.

They are muuuuuch faster.

I agree, the new macbooks are sweet! Unless the old ones drop drastically in price or you just can't afford the new one, I would go with the new lower end macbook.

phantom power
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Post by phantom power » Fri May 19, 2006 12:23 pm

Sorry once again for taking so long to get back to this.

You guys have been very helpful. I sold my old setup the other day so now the search is truly on. I managed to consolidate all me tracks and get them on to a hard drive that I kept with me (internal Seagate 7200rpm that I plan to put into an enclosure later; I hope this doesn't give me too much trouble).

So anyway, I really can't justify the macbook right now since I have to get a new interface also. I found a 14"/ 1.42g/ 60g HD/ superdrive ibook that I can get a pretty good deal on and still have a little cash left over. This should be a huge jump from my old powermac. Any opinions?

Now I'm trying to figure out the interface issue. Is there a big difference between the Motu 828 mk1 and mk2? Obviously the price and I believe that the mk2 goes to 96k and the mk1 does not (am I right).

I'm still entertaining the idea of something else though. I just need something that will be a "significant" step up from my 001. And I need to be able to connect it with my ada8000 for transfering from tape.

Thanks again for all the help y'all -AE

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