Wilco Guitar Sound

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Wilco Guitar Sound

Post by newguy12 » Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:38 pm

So I was listening to "A Ghost is Born", more specifically 'Hell is Chrome' and was wondering how they achieved that phasery lead guitar sound on the last couple notes/chord of the guitar solo. I can get something sorta like it with my friends bitrman but not quite. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Post by .:.impossible » Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:49 pm

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Post by chuckfurok » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:14 pm

Nels did not play on that album so that is not much help as far as how the album sounds were gotten. He joined them after that album was done.

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Post by Artifex » Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:29 pm

Nevertheless, that Nels link is a great read.

That said this- http://www.pedalgeek.com/cgi-bin/new_sh ... link--capc

Is your answer.

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Post by Slider » Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:34 pm

chuckfurok wrote:Nels did not play on that album so that is not much help as far as how the album sounds were gotten. He joined them after that album was done.
Thank god.

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Post by newguy12 » Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:47 pm

I found the Nels website awhile back but I pretty sure Jeff and Leroy (?) did most of the guitar work on the album. Nonetheless it is a good read.
Slider wrote:
chuckfurok wrote:Nels did not play on that album so that is not much help as far as how the album sounds were gotten. He joined them after that album was done.
Thank god.
Hence, I was wondering what you meant Slider? I liked Jay and Leroy but I think Nels is pretty badass in his own right, just different. Anyway, anyone got an answer?

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Post by mn412 » Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:41 am

The guitar sound in "At Least That's What You Said" was one of Tweedy's LesPauls throught a Silvertone 1472 ( http://personalpages.tds.net/~jonarthr/ ... nerest.htm). I forgot where I read that but, there is a picture od a 1472 at sear sound in the wilco book.

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Post by Artifex » Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:00 am

newguy12 wrote:I found the Nels website awhile back but I pretty sure Jeff and Leroy (?) did most of the guitar work on the album. Nonetheless it is a good read.
Slider wrote:
chuckfurok wrote:Nels did not play on that album so that is not much help as far as how the album sounds were gotten. He joined them after that album was done.
Thank god.
Hence, I was wondering what you meant Slider? I liked Jay and Leroy but I think Nels is pretty badass in his own right, just different. Anyway, anyone got an answer?

uhhh, yeah? I posted the answer above. Jeff plays that solo, and uses the Prunes and Custard on the entire solo. It's a crazy sound.

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Post by JdJ » Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:25 am

I'm glad to hear that a pedal was responsible for that intermodulation. I was beginning to thing Jeff had evolved some freaky secret techniques to squeeze that out of a guitar direct into amp setup. The first time I heard it was one of those moments where you think about all of the years of practicing/refining your own tone only have some weird ass sound stop you in your tracks with no idea how to pull it off!

Thanks for the info!


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Post by .:.impossible » Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:06 pm

chuckfurok wrote:Nels did not play on that album so that is not much help as far as how the album sounds were gotten. He joined them after that album was done.
My bad. You are right...

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Post by Coco » Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:12 pm

Here is some info that won't answer your question, but when I saw them a month or so ago, Tweedy was rocking two SG's, a Vox AC30 and the afore mentioned Silvertone amp which I asume was used just for distortion. I was pretty sure he did that lead inquestion when I saw them live but I could mistaken. I figured Nels Cline would be doing most of the wanking, but to my surprise it was Tweedy who yanked out most of the leads.
I know enough to know that I don't know what I am doing.

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Post by honkyjonk » Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:24 pm


That's rediculous but it sounds about right. Tweedy's become a pretty cool nappy guitar player, but for Nels Cline to take second chair he's gotta really be instituting his ego-puking to a fascist degree. I guess now that Tweedy has run off just about every original Wilco member he now has the status he wants, even if he has hired a modern electric guitar genius: Tweedy is Wilco. Wilco is Tweedy.

I guess if they're playing the Ghost stuff, Tweedy did come up with it originally so. . . . . . .

But anyway,
Nels Cline, Carla Bozulich needs you!

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Post by Slider » Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:35 pm

newguy12 wrote:I found the Nels website awhile back but I pretty sure Jeff and Leroy (?) did most of the guitar work on the album. Nonetheless it is a good read.
Slider wrote:
chuckfurok wrote:Nels did not play on that album so that is not much help as far as how the album sounds were gotten. He joined them after that album was done.
Thank god.
Hence, I was wondering what you meant Slider? I liked Jay and Leroy but I think Nels is pretty badass in his own right, just different. Anyway, anyone got an answer?
Jeff has something really interesting going with his style of guitar playing.
As amazing as Nels might be, I'm not a big fan of his playing with Wilco.
It's like indie rock Steve Vai or something.

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Post by newguy12 » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:22 am

Anyone have the Prunes and Custard pedal? Is it more of a 1 trick pony or something capable of a variety of cool sounds? Any idea how it works? Thanks, and sorry Artifex I didn't see your post before, thanks for the help everyone.

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Post by dirty » Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:34 am

honkyjonk wrote:Hah,

That's rediculous but it sounds about right. Tweedy's become a pretty cool nappy guitar player, but for Nels Cline to take second chair he's gotta really be instituting his ego-puking to a fascist degree. I guess now that Tweedy has run off just about every original Wilco member he now has the status he wants, even if he has hired a modern electric guitar genius: Tweedy is Wilco. Wilco is Tweedy.

I guess if they're playing the Ghost stuff, Tweedy did come up with it originally so. . . . . . .

But anyway,
Nels Cline, Carla Bozulich needs you!
I agree that Tweedy runs Wilco as his band, but... it is his band. And if you read Nels Cline's website, its pretty clear that he's comfortable in that role with Wilco. And that it doesn't keep him (or any of the rest of them) from exploring other bands/opportunities etc... Didn't Nels just put out an album of his own in the last year or two?

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