releasing mulitple mixes

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releasing mulitple mixes

Post by ashcat_lt » Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:15 pm

There was a thread something like this around here somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. I think that thread was talking more about what I would call "remixes" - drastically different sounding version of a given recording.

I've always considered the possiblities of having several different version of a recording geared toward different listening environments.

There could be the "consumer" version meant to translate as well as possible to as many different systems as possible. This is the way most projects are mixed and mastered.

Then you could have the "hi-fi stereo" version. With this one we assume our listeners have audiophile quality or pro gear, are sitting in the sweetspot, have a relatively quiet and acoustically sound room. With this one you can have a wider dynamic range. I'd imagine you could do quite different things with EQ. You could also get away with some tricks like using phase relationships to achieve greater soundsource localization and a bigger soundstage since you wouldn't be worried about mono compatibility and related issues.

Of course, you also need the 5.1 (or whatever you prefer) surround mix. This one gives a whole new set of options. One idea I had with this one was to offer "bonus material" additional instruments or sounds in the rear speakers that wouldn't fit well into the stereo mix.

Anybody ever done something like this?

Seems to me that from a business perspective it would have been cost prohibitive in the era of physical distribution media, but does internet distribution make it a more viable option?


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