weirdest eBay experience

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Post by Spiderhead69 » Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:05 pm

I saw a Yamaha O2RV96 with a BIN for 2K on EBAY. I thought no way and as luck would have it the poster was saying the item was in the same town I live in. So, I e-mailed him to make sure he had it, yes he said, so I said I would like to buy it, and that we could do the deal in person to save shipping charges as I lived in the same town as him. However, the next e-mail I got from him was that the item was actually in Europe at his "companies" european location and that I would be paying him for the "Asset transfer fees" to get the item to him in the US. I replied that I would reimburse him for any shipping fee's once the item was in here and he was able to make the transfer. Didn't hear back from him and the next day the item was off of e-bay, only to return 3 days later at a totally different city from the same poster.

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