Cabin writing/recording space in the USA

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takin' a dinner break
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Cabin writing/recording space in the USA

Post by jonathan » Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:50 pm

Are there any places in the US that I could rent for the intention of writing and recording songs?

Let me know!

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Post by mrdietr » Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:04 pm

This might apply to the Hookups section of TOMB. But that aside, there are quite a few variables when looking for a place to write/record. My band wanted to do that with a cabin a few years ago, and a family member let us use his lakeside cabin. We just moved in all our instruments and recording gear. The place had no air conditioning, and it was a sweltering August, but the limitations of our primitive recording gear (at the time just a Boss BR-8 and an SM57 and SM58) and the climate and cramped quarters really forced us to be on our toes and be as creative as possible. At one point we ran extension cords 200 feet down the hill to the lake and recorded on a pontoon. That's one end of the spectrum. Then there's places like Pachyderm, which is about twenty-five minutes from our little heat trap. That's considered a little retreat, out in the woods. But it's a fantastic studio, and a lot of big names have recorded there. So really, it comes down to how "professional" of a recording you're wanting to make. Some DAWs have become quite portable, so if you have something like that and someone who knows how to aim a mic, then all you need is real estate.

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Post by jonathan » Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:12 pm

thanks for that info,

i know of a lot of places that are pro and out in the wilderness... i guess im looking for a place that is a bit more comfortable, and yeah, out in the no where, but also a place where we're able to be loud


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Post by majortom » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:33 pm


I don't know where you would like to end up, but I live in the durango area of colorado, if you google cabins for rent in this or many other areas in colorado you will find many. If you wait until the "off" season (end of summer/fall) you can usually get great deals. The weather is great and of course the scenery can't be beat.

Another area is northern wisconsin, the economy has taken a dive since the snowfall is now very low on average so there are many, many cabins availible in the middle of nowhere. I can suggest the Eagle River area. Tom

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Post by mrdietr » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:39 pm

Since I made my previous post I was chatting with another friend who has a lake cabin up here in Minnesota. The best part about his place is that it's on a little island in the middle of the lake. I've been wanting to ask him if I can record out there sometime. One could definitely be loud in the middle of a lake. It'd keep you focused, too. Maybe look into a place like that.

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Recording in a Cabin!!

Post by stevebozz » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:36 pm

I want to bring this up again. Has anyone pulled off booking a cabin (for those of us who have no buds with cabins) and recorded in it? Is this something to disclose with a landlord or is it best to lay low about it? I'd imagine if it's secluded enough, it wouldn't be a problem.

Curious to hear of folks' experiences recording in cabins, vacation homes or other comfortable get-out-of-your-own-space spots. Thanks for sharing.

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Post by kayagum » Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:35 am

Bon Iver did just that.

The other "hole up in the cabin album" that I can think of is Bob Mould's first solo record "Workbook"- he lived in a farmhouse near Hinckley, MN while writing songs for that one.

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Re: Recording in a Cabin!!

Post by A.David.MacKinnon » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:11 am

stevebozz wrote:I want to bring this up again. Has anyone pulled off booking a cabin (for those of us who have no buds with cabins) and recorded in it? Is this something to disclose with a landlord or is it best to lay low about it? I'd imagine if it's secluded enough, it wouldn't be a problem.
I've done this. i'm recording my own record right now and all the sessions have taken place at cabins owned by friends or family of the band. I've also rented cabins in the past. The last time I did a rental it was in Muskoka Ontario (2hrs north of Toronto). I booked it through a Cottage rental website. I did disclose what we were doing to the owners and they were fine with it. We were up ther for the last week of the off season (mid May) and had the whole lake to ourselves so there were no noise issues. I don't think we could have done it in high season. There would be too many neighbors.

If I had my way I would make every record like this. It's so much nicer than being stuck in a dark studio in the industrial wasteland part of town.

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Post by dave watkins » Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:07 am

seems to be a timely thread, i am faced with three days off (hooray!) this weekend, and have been thinking about grabbing a few mics, my laptop, my firebox, and some instruments and heading up to the mountains and just seeing what comes out. I don't have plans yet, as to where i am going, or what i might actually record, but it sounds like a worthwhile experiment. If things pan out, i will certainly post pictures and audio and maybe some video. so expect a full report on the experience next week through here and on my myspace.

do you have any of those recordings you talked about in your first post posted anywhere? i would especially love to here what music sounds like on a pontoon. i have been getting a lot more into adding elements of field recording, and really making use of the sound of whatever space i am recording in as of late, so i'd really love to hear some of that stuff.
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Post by Winstontaneous » Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:54 pm

I've played some music out in the sticks, but mostly acoustic and rarely have I recorded it.

One of my favorite albums was recorded on a 4 track in a cabin in Northern California. That's Jackpot's "Boneville". The raw sound really fits the mood of the music. They've recorded in real studios before and since (including Tape Op publisher John Baccigalupi's Enharmonik/Hangar) but I just love Boneville.

Jackpot was starting to get kinda big before Boneville and I think they deliberately made a primitive-sounding record to keep things from happening too fast--looks like it worked. :wink: The original release sounded even rougher but a lot of their friends pestered them to remaster it, which inched it slightly closer to mid-fi but still left it plenty gritty.

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Post by dave watkins » Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:41 am

and indeed, i'm out of here. I am leaving Richmond VA in about 30 minutes for the mountains and rivers of central PA. i am taking one electric guitar, one acoustic guitar, a banjo, a mandolin and a dulcietar for my instruments, i will also be taking my laptop w/a firebox (for cabin bound multitracking purposes), my zoom h2 (for field recording and "boy i think this song would sound better if i recorded it on top of a mountain" purposes). I will be documenting the drive which should be about 5 -7 hours depending upon how much northern Virginia sucks this morning. and throughout my trip i will be documenting my recording process (which will be far from trying to make a "how to", i'm really just trying to capture the trip for whatever it becomes) i'll be staying at a vacation home that overlooks a creek on land that has been in my family for ages. i don't really have any preconceived goals that i want to achieve with this trip, so we will see what i end up with when i return. i will post whatever i come up with when i come back next week.

have a good weekend and happy button pushing to you all!
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Post by curtiswyant » Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:58 am

Russian Recording is sorta cabin-like. It's in wonderful Nashville, Indiana in Brown County. I think the owner is on the board?

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Post by stevebozz » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:55 am

this is all very cool.

we want to do this in mid-May. This is the off season in PA (for skiiing), so we are hoping this might be a good time.

I am stuck with logistical issues.

1. How to find a good spot outside of Philadelphia ?
2. How to manage expectations with the owners so they don't think death metal band, but still understand there will be loud music.
3. How to pick a cabin/house that you don't see in person, how to know the space will work for recording?

Any other thoughts and practical tips would be ideal. Also, any leads on a cabin space within your own family or friends that might be up for renting their space for a few days in May, please help us out. Thanks a lot!

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Post by madtho » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:28 am

Hey Steve.
If you know the area you'd like to go to, get in touch with a realtor and tell them what you're doing. If they sound like they're not on your side, just say thanks and move on. You could offer a larger security deposit as a safety for the owner.

After you behave yourself perfectly, you'll have friends and allies for future projects.

Ski country is good, but you might want to try artsy areas also (New Hope etc.).
have fun

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Post by Harry » Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:02 pm

I recorded with my band a couple years ago in this cabin.

great drum neighbors.

My studio is about 2 miles away....let's make a record!!!!:)

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