Why build a home recording studio?

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Post by Brian » Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:44 pm

Same here, things changed over the years and my "horizons broadened". Broad horizons are sometimes overrated.

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Post by andrewfoshee » Sun May 11, 2008 10:39 pm

Well, it was either that or join the Army. And I have a bum leg so ...
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Re: Why build a home recording studio?

Post by Alex Netick » Mon May 12, 2008 1:07 am

I don't know -- but I could probably think of alot more reasons not to build one, especially if you're a musician and not an engineer. If you're a musician, alot of engineering stuff can be really distracting, and it's pretty cheap to book time in a little project studio that'll do an adequate job. In addition, recording studios are pretty much a dime a dozen, so, unless you're an established engineer, you're at best going to break even -- and more likely, you'll just have a room full of shit like me that you want to get rid of.
mc437 wrote:I'm curious, everyone. Why would you or did you build a home recording studio? What are your motivators?

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Post by >Mojave_Gary< » Mon May 12, 2008 11:36 am

I got tired of my Ferrari......
What the #*%@ is that BuZzInG sOuNd ??

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Re: Why build a home recording studio?

Post by Nick Sevilla » Tue May 13, 2008 11:06 am

mc437 wrote:I'm curious, everyone. Why would you or did you build a home recording studio? What are your motivators?
1. I can work from home Thursdays and Fridays.

2. I avoid the commute on Thursdays & Fridays.

3. I save on Gas Thursdays & Fridays.

4. I can work later or earlier, and take a break when I want to take a break.

5. I can mix and edit whenever I want / need to.

6. I can record overdubs without renting a studio, thus saving $$$ for the clients.

7. I don't have distractions since I work alone there.

8. Mixes get done faster, and are better, without getting bogged down with distractions / other opinions.

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Re: Why build a home recording studio?

Post by MoreSpaceEcho » Wed May 14, 2008 12:15 pm

mc437 wrote:I'm curious, everyone. Why would you or did you build a home recording studio? What are your motivators?
i really like making records.

i really don't like leaving the house.

et voila!

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Post by joninc » Wed May 14, 2008 2:15 pm

1. so i can do this as a living and keep the rate reasonable. most bands i work with cannot pay $800+ a day record. i couldn't deal with a $1000 rent as overhead. times are tight!

2. so i can be close to home and family (i am sure i'd see them MUCH less if the studio were elsewhere)

3. so i can have a space with all the toys that i like to use (instruments, mics, gear etc...)

4. so i can record myself. ha. (i wish that happened a lot more than it does. ironically this was the only reason i ever bought any gear to begin with)
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Post by crookedgrin » Wed May 14, 2008 3:54 pm

I thought it was so I could make music, but I'm realizing that it's actually because I like building shit and buying toys, and music was a good excuse. Designing and building a home studio is pretty entertaining in itself, I think. Same reason I brew my own beer: it's not necessarily better or cheaper, but it's kinda cool to do anyway.

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Post by lancebug » Wed May 14, 2008 4:54 pm

Track Rat wrote:Because I like recording a LOT more than having a Bass Boat.
Did the boat. Lots of fun when I had time to fish, became a total loadstone, when I only wanted to go out a handful of times each season. The studio needs less constant upkeep than the boat.
Tatertot wrote:Because a man needs a lair.
My first studio and hangout spot was my mom's garage when I was in high school. My current studio still has a little of that vibe.
Sloan wrote:I love polishing turds.
I don't really love it but seem to spend a lot of time this way anyhow.

Mostly my reason for having a studio is that its hell-of fun. My recording partner and I were talking last night and we both came to the realization that its not that dis-similar to playing dungeons and dragons. We have this really elaborate fantasy about what great musicians we are and how we just need to focus a little more and we'll really make something important. In reality, even my wife has limited interest in hearing what we make, as does pretty much anyone else I know. I guess it does have a little more utility that D&D, as I do occasionally make some pocket money doing little jobs for people, etc...

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