can i use Tascam MX2424 with Intel iMac OS 10.4?

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can i use Tascam MX2424 with Intel iMac OS 10.4?

Post by rabbitw » Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:56 am

Hello. Long time fan of this messageboard. Usually I can find answers to my questions already posted, but not this time. I may have a chance to buy a used Tascam MX-2424 for around $8-900 and have some questions about it. I noticed on the Tascam website that they stopped support for it before the new Intel macs came out, so I'm wondering if MX View will work with my computer (via ethernet I'm guessing)? I have Tiger OS 10.4.. I also have the Boot Camp Windows XP on the same computer - would this be better to use with the Tascam?

I was thinking of getting an Alesis HD24(XR or not) but this seems like a pretty good deal on the Tascam. Mostly would use for personal projects - not commercial stuff. I was using a Tascam DA-88 along with an analog board and outboard gear, but the DA-88 is having problems now and I'm not sure if it's worth fixing.

Thanks for any help someone may be able to provide.

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mx2424 on imac os x

Post by rabbitw » Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:27 pm

well, in case anyone is wondering about the answer to my question: according to Tascam, I would need OS 9 to run MX View. And they didn't seem to think a BootCamp version of Windows XP would work..

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Post by analogcabin » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:38 pm

If you have a decent Mac, why not buy a good 8-12 channel I/O interface (May I suggest an Audiofire 12) and get a nice DAW program?
The Tascam is/was cool, but the editing flexibility is a joke compared to a current and upgrade-able DAW.

As much as I liked my Radar rig, I'd never go back.


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mx2424 imac

Post by rabbitw » Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:22 am

you know, i was thinking about your suggestion and it kind of makes sense. i'm not so psyched about the tascam mx2424 OR the alesis hd24 now, knowing that they're not really compatible with my computer.. the reason i was considering them is because i wanted something portable and not involving a laptop (which i do not have), and because i like the simplicity of pushing big square buttons for play, record and stop. i record a lot of stuff at home - and that's usually one instrument at a time. but i also record the band(s) i'm in, and that requires lugging my stuff down to the practice space where the drum kit is and where i can play electric guitar really loud. hence, the need for a portable multitrack recorder. but i've decided to fix my da-88, partly because i hate to see things go to waste and because i think it should be sufficient for me to record drums which i can then dump into my computer at home. i did buy the audiofire 4 which is what i was using after the da-88 died. (tracktion is kind of cool, but glitchy and i don't like the plug-ins. so i was sending tracks back to my outboard gear and then back again to the computer which is probably really convoluted and unnecessary..) but anyways, do you think this would make sense: getting an audiofire 12 and using it to send tracks from the da-88 to the computer for editing, and then back to the analog 16-channel mixer which has a nice lexicon reverb in it (soundcraft) and outboard stuff to mix? just looking for a more convenient process that's not too computer intensive (i'm not great with computers, just sufficient to survive).

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Post by analogcabin » Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:57 pm

Not too many years ago, when you needed to record, it involved a mixer (Console) and a GIANT Tape machine.... not to mention cables Patchbays outboard gear etc.

To Schlep a Mixer, an Audiofire 12 and a CPU & Monitor is pretty low key really.

For practices, just record with a portable 2 track. When it's time to commit, bring the rig down.

Forget the DA-88 Dump plan. Record ONCE. Submix the drums to 4 if need be, and track the whole band.

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Post by stinkpot » Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:54 am

I wouldn't get the Tascam. I have one that keep in the rack only to use it's converters and to mix down to (I mix OTB and its a good way to get 24 bit mixes.) I've been very happy since I limited how I use it and do my tracking in ProTools. The editing, etc. is WAY better than the MX. Even still, it makes me very angry on occasion (last night for example...)

That said, if you're looking for something to do home recording on, I'd investigate spending your 8-900 bucks on something completely computer based.

The MX2424s are really buggy, cranky and have been left out in the Acrtic Winter of No Support by Tascam. I think that trying to figure out how to run MX View on your current set up would be way more hassel than it's worth.

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Post by rabbitw » Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:06 am

thanks to both of you for the advice. i guess i was being over protective of my computer (not wanting to bring it to the practice space) because it's probably the nicest thing i own.. but yes, imac's are actually pretty portable and i'm liking the idea of an audiofire 12 via the mixer i already have, especially since i've already struggled through assorted problems with tracktion and am getting better at using it efficiently at this point.

as an aside, i got a zoom h4 to record outdoor sound effects and we've been using it to record practices. it sounds surprisingly good for what it is, at least to us anyways. but rest assured, if we ever come into some money and get to that point of seriousness, we will go to a real recording studio - i still plan on trying to record at myles boisen's place in oakland, one day. but for now, no one in the band seems to have any money and i think recording is pretty fun, so that's what we're doing.

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