Guitar Center return policy - microphones

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Post by Grahambo! » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:01 am

Haha yea. I know you aren't being a dick. No worries man. :D

And yes, you're right. I should just be honest with them, I suppose. Tell them what my intentions are, agree to pay $15, and leave it at that. Who knows.

I'll check it out when I get there. Thanks for the help people. :wink:

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Post by roygbiv » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:09 am

cool man, good luck!
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Post by capnreverb » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:30 am

Or, there is the Dick Cheney route.

Get the mic from Guitar Center, find out the one you got from Craigs List is bad, and return the defective one with all the new packaging!

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Post by signorMars » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:50 am

it's also possible the guy who sold it to you didn't notice anything wrong with the sound.
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Post by tyler477 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:58 am

capnreverb wrote:Or, there is the Dick Cheney route.

Get the mic from Guitar Center, find out the one you got from Craigs List is bad, and return the defective one with all the new packaging!
haha this is classic, the only problem is then GC will sell the broken mic again and the cycle continues... my friend bought an "open box" firewire interface that turned out to just totally not work no matter what he did.... he returned it to see it on the shelf again a week later... they don't seem to even test the crap they sell... what a waste of time.

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Post by Grahambo! » Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:03 pm

Yes, it's possible the guy who sold it to me didn't realize it was messed up. Hell, maybe it's NOT messed up at all and I just think it sounds like crap, you know? But the fact that he hasn't responded to any of my phone calls or e-mails in the past 2-3 days, but prior to the sale he responded within minutes, leaves me sort of skeptical to say the least...

I just wish the guy would have been forthcoming and honest. If something you own breaks, you don't sell it off as perfectly functioning. You cut your losses and move on. That's life. Shit breaks and you go "ah fuck" and buy another one.

I'm never buying mic's from craigslist again. I'll do eBay maybe (just because they have buyer protection stuff...but even that is pretty limited), but I'll stick with TapeOp from now on. I bet most of the people here are pretty legit.

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Post by suppositron » Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:05 pm

subatomic pieces wrote:
suppositron wrote:
subatomic pieces wrote:as far as I know, their policy is NO RETURNS on microphone purchases.
Um, no. Unless they changed their policy they used to let you use it for three days or something small like that. I've boughten a mic knew i was gonna return to get a weekend's use out of it. Full refund. Their reasoning they gave me at the time for the extremely small time window was for sanitary reasons. They didn't want singers spiting into a mic for a month then returning it.
Um, yes.

Now, apparently they don't even want people spitting into it for 3 days and then returning it. It's an understandable policy. Especially in light of people doing shady shit like you did.
Wow. Way to jump to conclusions, guys. I did that once years ago. In no way was I saying that's the right thing to do- just that it could be done. I totally agreed with the three day policy. I wouldn't even want someone spitting into my mic for one day (I ALWAYS bring my own vocal mic to shows). He asked about the policy and if it could be done. I said at one point it could. So, cool it.

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Post by dsw » Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:19 pm

I've had customers in this same situation many times and what I offer is to bring the mic down to the store. I then hook it up to a mixer with headphones and test it for the customer, letting them A/B it with new product at the store. That way you know what's up and no one gets ripped off.
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Post by cgarges » Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:54 pm

It's not just GC. Lots of stores have had this policy for a few years.

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Post by Gentleman Jim » Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:11 pm


Now let me get this straight:

1) You bought a mic from a guy off Craigslist.
2) You think it's broken, because it sounds "horribly undefined."
3) You feel like you've been scammed and "jipped." (sic)
4) Rather than just bringing your mic to Guitar Center to compare, you'd prefer to 'buy' the mic with a very high probability of returning it; thus causing stock and accounting hassle and wasting the sales staff's time. Yeah, Guitar Center and their employees can be pretty lame, but there's this old saying about 'Two Wrongs...' that kind of applies here.
5) You put the mic up for sale on Gearslutz and say it's in GREAT CONDITION! ... s-mic.html
6) When asked about it on the TOMB Buy/Sell/Trade board, you say: "Yeah, I DO think it's broken, unfortunately... I'm very disappointed." This is 12 hours and 3 minutes after you posted it for sale on Gearslutz.

Huh... yeah.

A bit weak, don't you think?

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Post by Grahambo! » Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:37 pm

I'm not SURE if it's broken man. It works and all. I just put up those ads in case I find out it's NOT broken and I just want to get an ATM25 or something. Stop jumping to conclusions.

I put up the ad so I can get the ball rolling in the case I find out it's NOT broken and I just don't dig how the mic sounds. That's all. If it was broken, I wouldn't go an resell it. I'm not a complete idiot.

EDIT: And for your info, I did make it to GC. They didn't have an e602. So oh well. I'll just hang on to it for now and see how she works. If it's not broken, fine. I'll sell it or keep it. If it IS broken or damaged, I'll just cut my losses or go after the guy who sold it to me. Don't think I'm gonna pass it off as pristine when it's not. That's sort of what happened to me -- or so I thought --, REMEMBER?
Last edited by Grahambo! on Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Gentleman Jim » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:24 pm

Well I heartily apologize. I didn't realize that you posted the mic for sale but you might not sell it. That makes perfect sense. I certainly did jump to some unreasonable conclusions there. Won't do that again, nosiree.

In a completely unrelated matter:

I smell smoke. Acrid, choke-inducing smoke. It sort of smells like burning plastic, but then there's also the smell of burning wood, and maybe burning paint as well. Definitely some burning couch smell going on around here.

Does anyone here want to buy my house? I mean, I won't sell it if it's ACTUALLY ON FIRE, I'm not a jerk. But just suppose I determine it's NOT on fire... wanna buy my house?

Please make all offers promptly, as I'm rapidly succumbing to smoke inhalation.

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Post by Anthony Caruso » Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:37 pm

I just have to throw this out there, as someone who did a tour of duty selling gear at a chain store...

Anyone who does the "free rental" thing is screwing the salesman, plain and simple. They work for commission, and only earn this commission through time spent with customers who buy the item. Do you think that when you return the product that the salesman gets to keep the commission? THEY DO NOT. If you return it the next week, maybe a slow week when they're just barely going to hit the mark and actually SEE a commission, the returned item is taken out of the current week's numbers. Good job, your harmless mic test just cost that salesman hundreds of dollars!

The majority of salespeople at GC may be clueless, they may be pushy, they may be socially awkward, whatever...all fine reasons to avoid shopping there if you so choose. But to waste someone's time with a sale that is going to bite them in the ass.....


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Post by Snarl 12/8 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:45 pm

Take your mic into GC and ask to compare it to some other mics you might buy. Holy, fucking, fuck.
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Post by Grahambo! » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:14 pm

Jesus. What the hell happened here?

I just asked to see if anyone knew of GC's return policy. I went to GC and asked myself: they accept returns on mics within 5 days, or at least my store does. However, no e602 to compare with. I brought in mine, but nothing to compare with, so I left. Oh well. I'll keep the e602. I'll delete my "for sale" posts, blah blah. Sorry to ruin everyone's day.

I didn't realize this would turn into such an argument. I didn't DO anything. I was just curious as to whether my mic was fucked up. Might be, might not be. I still don't know. Oh well. I'll figure it out myself.

And another thing, in regards to your "house on fire" analogy: You haven't heard my e602, have you? All I was trying to say was that to my ears, from my 5 minute test last night, the e602 didn't match up with clips I've heard online. Maybe it's my kick drum. Maybe it's my technique. I don't fucking know! I was just curious to see if it's busted. THAT'S EXACTLY WHY I was going to GC to compare them side-by-side. If it was found to be damaged, fine -- I'll keep it or repair it. If it's not damaged and instead I just don't like the sound, then I don't get what the fucking problem is in selling it. Isn't that why people sell shit? Because they don't like it anymore? God damn.

End of thread. Seriously.

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