Harrison Mixbus on sale - $39

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Harrison Mixbus on sale - $39

Post by ott0bot » Thu May 30, 2013 8:01 am

Hello all,
I just wanted to give a heads up to any potential users and get some feedback from any current users.

Don't crack has the the newest version on sale:

This seems like an awesome idea....working in a digital console with built in channel strips and console mojo emulation. I see slate is doing something similar, but Harrison seems to have more complete editing feature set. For $40, it seems worth a shot....since the Pro Tools upgrade prices are a bit steep.

Any users care to share some feedback? I'd especially like to hear more about the ease if use, editing, and creating headphone mixes for monitoring.

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Post by Studiodawg » Thu May 30, 2013 8:12 am

I have been using it off & on for over a year and keep my version up-to-date. At $39, it is an awesome offer. I may get the Windows license to compliment my Mac version. It is very enjoyable using the mixer graphic user interface.

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Post by chris harris » Thu May 30, 2013 8:35 am

I've used it for a couple of mixing projects. I can't comment on tracking/headphone mixes/editing.... but, for ITB mixing I thought it was a lot more fun than PT.

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Post by Jeff White » Thu May 30, 2013 9:05 am

If this sounds anywhere as good as the console "Character" emulation in the Metric Halo 2d/MIO console (http://mhsecure.com/metric_halo/product ... nsole.html), it is indeed worth it. I'm not a PT user, but having a sick digital console with seamless analog console emulation is a next step scenario for mixing, and for $39 it is a no-brainer. Shit, I may even do it just to check it out with Digital Performer and compare it to the 2d/MIO environment.

I record, mix, and master in my Philly-based home studio, the Spacement. https://linktr.ee/ipressrecord

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Post by jhharvest » Thu May 30, 2013 11:21 am

I like the sound of Mixbus (can a piece of software have a sound?) and I've really liked mixing with it. It's pretty effortless to get a nice sounding mix going. Editing... Well, I try to avoid editing with it. (Yay, Tracktion!)

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Post by ott0bot » Thu May 30, 2013 4:14 pm

thanks fellas!

I'm getting tired of the endless Pro tools updates for minor tweeks, and would rather switch to a DAW that actualy has zero latency monitoring and is just a more basic program. Sure I'll keep up my protools set up, but I want to have more fun tweaking and editing than I do now and not have to buy a board or do a buch of pre daw routing just to have independent headphone mixes. Non-HD pro tools, just sucks in that dept.

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Post by alexdingley » Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:02 pm

Okay... I bought it. Put some files from a recent mix in the system to hear them played through the harrison engine... Sounded fine, but on my 8-Core Mac Pro, I didn't think it was particularly CPU-efficient. Also.... not super elegant as far as adding plug-ins to tracks and y'know... doing just about anything.

Maybe I'll look up some videos of people sharing quicker work-flows and best-practices.. because I found it very un-fun to use on first try.

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Post by mrc » Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:26 am

I bought it @ version 2, and love it. I hope they add midi + vsti's at some point, and then it's all I need. Until then, it and Reaper are all I need, with a few vsti's, a Duo Uad 2 and a couple of Slate proggies to fill the gaps. Together, these things make everything else I've bought since I left 2 inch tape for Adat, cakewalk and then cubase seem silly. I'll keep Reaper anyway, because I'll support a man like Justin Frankel, who cares about his product and customers and makes such a great product with so much support for his users and such a work ethic, he puts the greedy, corporate daw developers to shame. Digital audio has come a long way since my Tascam 644, Blackface Adat and 8 track R to R stuff, though I'd still love a 24 trk 2 inch machine...even though I know better. I'll gladly pay for the updates to these quality programs, as needed. I bought the Native Instruments B4 as my first commercial vst'i, and it still works + sounds great on WIN 7/64. I grew up on a working farm/ranch, and to my mind, these products are just like that era's farm equipment, utilitarian, dependable and within reach of a common man, plus they blow the competition out of the water.

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