Quiet PSU on a budget? Suggested wattage?

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Quiet PSU on a budget? Suggested wattage?

Post by absent » Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:47 pm


Would anyone like to share some PC PSU experience or advise?
I'm putting together a new DAW, and I'm looking for advise on people's experiences with current PSU options.
I can't find a good way to tell what's quiet and what isn't.
I'd rather not guess blindly.
I recently salvaged a pretty quiet 600w modular supply. I do not trust it a bit. The jacks seem sketchy. As convenient as it might be to have that, I'd rather deal with the certainty of the old-school "squid"-type box and some cable ties.
Fanless PSU's seem to start around $140, but my budget is more like $50.


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Post by Snarl 12/8 » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:45 pm

Carl Keil

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Talk to the Google (puts up hand).

Post by absent » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:44 am

"Would anyone like to share some PC PSU experience or advise?"

Was that really worth your time? I've spent time Googling it. It's about as funny as saying "buy a Mac".

I suppose I could go listen to the sounds of case fans on Google for 6 hours. (Where is that, "Google DAW Review Sounds"? Maybe they'll give me some nice targeted case fan ads. I hear people in my town are SHOCKED and ANGERED about this weird new local rule about case fans!)

Trying to interact with people and discuss things instead of reading hyped out gear reviews (for computer parts) is clearly wasting the time of others. Thankfully, your witty hack meme clearly is not (although it is incredibly condescending and patronizing for a joke, and in fact quite insulting).

It's a definite "talk to the hand", though.
I have to apologize for not rising to the level of discourse.
I should have said "hey wh4t motherboard is g00d 4 torrents" or something instead of trying to be "clever" and fool you into thinking I wanted free build advice and for you to google work for me.

It's a recording forum. Discussions are here. People talk about things. I wished to engage in two-way conversation about the experiences of others who have tried things relative to DAW installation as opposed to the "LMGTFU" level of experience shared in "product reviews".

Instead I am wasting my time over-reacting to a troll that was probably a cheap 4 second yuk halfway through Bud #6.
Well, I am probably keeping you from some no-doubt vital World of Warcraft trolling lulz.

Your hand in the face worked. Thanks for the warm welcome.
Point made. I will talk to the Google while I listen to the sound of silence.

P.S. - you 'droided that from a restroom, didn't you?

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Post by Snarl 12/8 » Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:36 pm

I was honestly trying to help. I did google that for you and I believe the first link "Silent PC Review" is a reputable source of such information as you seek.

Edit: No need to go Ad Hominem. Ever. I think your assumptions about me are more likely to be found in your mirror.
Carl Keil

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Post by kslight » Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:51 pm

I could give you my recommendation but if you can't use Google you probably shouldn't be building a PC either.

Seriously though, the attitude takes it. Good luck getting any real help from anyone. Try it on the Microcenter/Best Buy clerk and let us know what they tell you.

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Post by absent » Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:26 am

First off, some apologies.

1. My behavior was absolutely in the wrong. I can make excuses relating to personal triggers, but they're still pretty useless. And, really, in the end, they don't matter.

2. Yes. There was no need for Ad-Hominem attacks, although I feel that there are situations in life where they are indeed appropriate, if only for sarcasm. But never as points in a logical argument. Then they're complete inappropriate.

3. The toilet thing especially was asinine, rude, and very crude. Especially for this forum.

I was tired, stressed out, and have no idea why I snapped like that in a forum I love this much. Two weeks of struggling to Frankenstein working Windows DAW machines together out of a junk pile weaken my reasoning and resolve.
When that happens the last thing anyone should be doing is posting anything on a forum (at least if they don't have the control to rise above it).

I hope it's understood why a person would not wait for that slow little arrow to point to a pending "Let Me Google That For You" search, however well intentioned.
It was easy for me to expect it not to go to a real search. Why would it?

I was not after fan ratings from reviews, I was interested in seeing what real-life experience DAW users have had, and conversation regarding various catches and issues that silence ratings might not cover.

So, I felt I was being pointed to a condescending link that wasn't even what I was trying to find out and discuss, however well-intentioned it in reality was.

I've spent a lot of time futilely justifying what I was trying to achieve with assorted IT friends and store clerks who act like I'm an idiot. Granted, I am sometimes.
I also have a neurological disorder that really complicates my abilities to catch every detail, and I felt it was best to try to talk to some folks with experience.
Again, this is no excuse for my behavior. It's justification for why I felt I should double check.

Does this mean I can't use Google? Not at all. I didn't find what I wanted (Up-to-date information and discussion), and decided a forum was the place to ask.

Should I be building computers? No. Do I have any real choice? No. It's TMI, but I have a physical/medical circumstance that makes it fairly unlikely I'm going to be buying a new Mac and replacement audio infrastructure any time soon.
I am so sick to death of building and repairing PC's that it's a miracle my head doesn't explode. For example, I have spent most of my time in the last year fighting to get any two of three MOTU Midi Timepiece AV's to work with each other *instead* of recording music (my fault, granted)

I did really good at dealing with thelast month of configuration and collapse nightmares, but I finally snapped. What's worse, it was in one of the last places on earth I would want to.

So, I apologize to all three of you (and anyone else reading this) for my entirely inappropriate behavior.

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Post by absent » Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:01 pm


That last post was * absolutely not * intended to sound like some sort of indictment regarding responses to my explosion.

In other news, I went to Micro Center, and the first person I talked to in the DIY PC department actually knew a lot about DAWs.

I ended up buying a Corsair RM750 for the PSU. So far, so good. I'm not doing a lot of open air tracking in the room the machine is, so, as long as there's no weirdness when the fan switches on and off, I think I'll be alright (this one of the main things I wanted to discuss).

There was a huge rebate on a cheaper CPU fan/heat sink that had much better DB ratings that the name-brand competition (which I was prepared to purchase).

It's pretty quiet, despite me losing the side of the case at the store (90 miles from my house).
Perhaps you'll enjoy the just deserts. You can't reach the store via direct phone. You have to fight your way through online chats and an answering services to get to a point where they'll *return* a call.
Eventually I got through to the store manager. They're still looking. :/
And I'm pricing plywood.

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Post by Electricide » Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:48 am

i recently did a ground-up Win 8.1 DAW build, it's in this forum. I opted for a Rosewill SilentNight 500 watt fanless supply. So, it's totally silent. I am doing onboard graphics and one PCI card for firewire, so not a lot of power draw. no spinny HDs or anything. so it's hard to know what your load would be.

Because it's fanless, all that heat just goes straight up, so I found a quiet case with a top-mounted PSU position that also had a vent for the PSU in the top. The Antec Solo II. A slightly smaller form factor would be, shoot, there was a Tenjin case maybe? In mATX that also had top mounted and top-vernted PSU.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6817182169

on sale for $139.

There are many PSUs that have fans, but will only turn them on when needed, those are pretty quiet, and one is on shell shocker deal today
http://www.newegg.com/Special/ShellShoc ... 02042014_3

Check silentpcreview.com too

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Post by chorga1 » Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:59 pm

Seasonic is widely accepted as an excellent brand and they do quiet too.

Buy a larger supply than you think you'll need as running them at max capacity will shorten their life span.

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Post by Electricide » Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:53 am

my motherboard has a ton of monitoring tools, I should see if there's a part of their desktop apps that shows total current power draw (current current :) ).

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Post by Rosy » Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:55 am

Buy a Mac.

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Post by dfuruta » Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:37 pm

I have repeatedly experienced the fans in Apple machines failing over time (and dust) and turning into monstrously noisy beasts. On the other hand, the computer I built five years ago is as quiet as ever, and still doing fine running Reaper.

Don't waste your money on a Mac.

I would also worry more about a case with some sound-damping properties and quiet fans than the PSU. Read reviews and comparison shop, but most PSUs aren't too loud.

As far as power rating: take everything that'll be going into the computer, look up the power draw, add it all up, and add a safety margin (what, 20%?).

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Post by mrc » Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:39 pm

I have an Antec 850, that's been eating a lot of dust and dirt in a construction environment, for about 4 years, and knock on wood, still getting it. It's the most quiet thing in this rv, let alone what's outside. Seasonic would be my upgrade path.

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