Bitten by the X-Desk bug.

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Bitten by the X-Desk bug.

Post by Calaverasgrande » Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:06 am

Earlier this year i picked up an X-Desk. Honestly I bought it mostly to have a no bullshit monitor section.
Then I grew to embrace the workflow. Tracking through it, Routing the DAW back to the 'tape returns'. Using 500 series on the inserts.
it just sounds wider and more solid than anything else I've owned.
It also perfectly suited my exact needs. I'm very much a straight wire with gain kinda guy. I like to add character when I want it. Not have to constantly work around it such as you have to do with something like and old Soundcraft or Soundtracs, which were my prior mixers.
I mean low end warnth is great. But not so great when it becomes low end buildup and mud!
So I bet you guys know my problem. I want more!
I'm not totally stoked on the idea of bussing two X-Desks together. Leaving me with one totally useless monitor section taking up desk space.
Looked in to the Xrack line input modules. Seems the one to get is the 4 input module. Which offers gain and pan (some say it has more Mojo than the 8 input module) however those do not have provision for aux sends. Which is not a total deal killer. I'm not fond of slathering reverb all over everything. If I was I wouldn't be happy with a 2 aux desk would I? But I don't like to have the option shit off from me.
So I am on the hunt for an X-Panda. That would have me set for inputs with no wasted desk space. Plus it would exceed my current need for inputs by a good enough margin.

Sadly I missed my opportunity to snag one on Reverb a month or so ago. Now I find my self hoping the economy gets worse so more people are forced to sell theirs. Yeah I'm a bastard.

I'm also worried SSL is going to abbandon the series. They seem to be more focused on 500 series than the X-Rack. The rest of their down market effort seems to be stuff like the Six or the 'XL-Desk'.
Not a huge deal, as it would be with software based devices like audio interfaces. But it would be nice if they continued to release stuff for X-Rack. I am thinking of going that way eventually. May as well get some SSL EQ and Dynamics while I am going this direction.
Well that's me done venting.

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