Recording "real" acoustic guitar

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Post by rydberg » Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:08 am

honkyjonk wrote:Great sound for sure. I wonder about the mics, because like Garges said, I've also often found that with a super aweseome hi-fi guitar, an Sm57 beats out a whole buttload of hi-fi condensors. It's often just too much, especially if the room is live.

Luckily for me, I have a super hi-fi acoustic (Martin D-40) and some of the best sounds I ever got from it were with a mono 57. It always surprised me. It still does. Is there anything that stupid mic can't do? Hammer nails? Why not!


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Post by lee » Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:08 am


i was all exited when i read the openning paragraph. i HATE the close up acu guitar sound. i ve never put my ear eight inches for a guitar. and if i did, it wouldnt sound good. ive been trying to get a similar REAL sound myself with very sparse success. ive tried "over the shoulder" but i cant get it right. the sound gets too thin. all 300hz ish.

does anyone have any experience recording guitar for a classical session?

i am dying. ive been wanting to start a new album for months, but i cant start until i can get a good acu guitar sound.
i've written the song that god has longed for. the lack of the song invoked him to create a universe where one man would discover inspiration in a place that god, himself, never thought to look.

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