if ever you need to buy something at guitar center . . .

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Post by ;ivlunsdystf » Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:44 am

The GC employee disappearing act is one of the strangest phenomena in retail music. Where do they go? There must be one heck of a poker game going on in the back.

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Post by trodden » Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:25 am

I was the janitor/maintenance dude for a rehearsal facility for awhile, god that sucked, and i'd find all kinds of weird shit in the trash along with drug needles and other not fun stuff.

Digging in the trash one day i came across a few long ass Monster speaker cables. They didn't work but the dumbass who threw them away (or bought them in the first place) didn't think to take advantage of the "lifetime guarantee"

So my most enjoyable trip to Banjo Mart consisted of me taking dumpstered monster cables in for replacement. Although the didn't carry the specific long ass speaker cables i had found, i was able to haggle them to give me the same $$$( i think it was around $80?) amount as 2 similiar long ass Monster speaker cables. Pushing a bit harder i was able to convince them that i no longer needed long ass monster speaker cables and i'd rather get the same trade in amount for some non-monster but decent xlr cables. So yeah, i walked out of Banjo Mart with a handful free 25' mic cables, and they weren't the shit $11 ones that break in a week either.

It pays to play in the garbage sometimes.

How come everytime i go to GC, i'm completely fucking hung over and just fucking distraught as hell?

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Post by acjetnut » Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:41 am

My most recent visit to Guitar Center (and probably my last) involved the guy in the pro audio section not believing that Electro-Harmonix made a mic preamp, then telling me that I really should only consider Universal Audio stuff, then taking me to the effects guy in the front, so he could tell me I was an idiot for not wanting a rack mounting preamp while trying to sell me another kind.

That and playing lots and lots of terribly maintained instruments in those stores.

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Post by trodden » Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:45 am

acjetnut wrote:My most recent visit to Guitar Center (and probably my last) involved the guy in the pro audio section not believing that Electro-Harmonix made a mic preamp, then telling me that I really should only consider Universal Audio stuff, then taking me to the effects guy in the front, so he could tell me I was an idiot for not wanting a rack mounting preamp while trying to sell me another kind.

That and playing lots and lots of terribly maintained instruments in those stores.
totally. my band mate was like "Could you show me to the section where the basses don't have warped necks?"

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Post by chovie d » Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:02 pm

yup the one here in seattle is atrocious. There is not a single guitar in there that is set up properly or even freakin tuned. Bass section? those four mexican P-Basses (not that there is anything wrong with the mexi p-bass buts that ALL they got) they have hanging on the wall?

If I ever want a Daisyrock, they'll be my first choice tho.....
me make purty musick!

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Post by GREGL » Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:24 pm

I think it really depends on which GC you're shopping at. The two here in Minneapolis can be OK (if you can take the noise) but certainly capable of bad buying voodoo.

But then again there was a MARS store here for a while and that was BAD. The absolute worst customer service, impossible to get help on a lot of days. Some years ago I went in to buy a CD burner and couldn't get the sales person to help. I waved $500 cash in his face and told him I wanted to buy a CD burner, but he was too busy trying to impress some young girl (who didn't appear to be there to buy anything) and he still blew me off. After 20 minutes of him trying to get this girl's phone number and not getting any help from 2 other guys who were standing around doing nothing I got pissed and started to leave. On the way out a youg woman appeared(who I found out was on her first day) asked if I needed help. So she rung me up (and got the commission I'm sure). Then the guy who was talking to the girl starts yelling at the new woman for taking his sale! Then he gets pissy with me for giving my business to "some newbie chick" when he clearly was the recording dept. expert. Then some manager miracously appeared out of nowhere and let the young woman ring me up. But he never apologized or anything, just acted like it was a huge imposition to get ny business.Holy Cow.

That was only one of about three bizzarre MARS stories I have. So GC isn't the worst we've seen here, although I much prefer to patronize smaller more personal stores here in town.

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Post by I'm Painting Again » Wed Sep 06, 2006 3:21 pm

I just use their shite service and dastardly deeds as an excuse to take my frustration out guilt free..

I LOVE going to Guitar Center..

I love when the guy asks me for help and says "hey thats a sweet guitar"..and then I ask him what sweet means..and totally annoy him instead with crazy behavior, insane questions, and the occasional fake violent twitch..

they probably see me coming and hide now..

I always wear an eye patch when shopping there..they probably call me pirate guy or something..

there is one cool dude there who i like and is pretty knowledgeable and helpful..I've got great deals and been treated both well and not so well..guitar center is just like life I guess..

but man when I start playing Branca-esque guitar next to the douchebag shredding..it's so funny.. will turn up so loud and play such annoying shit..oh it's so fun..probably most of all is playing really out of time drums along to the "Pearts"..you can see the steam coming off their heads when you do that..

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Post by glyconerd » Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:50 pm

Do they get commission on each sale??? I get a feeling they're not going as low as they can when i shop.I hate waiting for shippin, so thats why i go to my local GC..none really tries me sell me anything (maybe cuz i loook like a poor student) even when i ask about a specific item they don't push me. i hate the disapearing trick they do, i hate how long it takes to find if an item is in stok and then how long it takes for them to fetch it and then to ring it up and then the silly girls/goofy guys at the front that check the receipt. the guys that work there just don't seem to have any knowdlege on much, not enough to converse about anyways.

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Post by 2121TrumbullAve » Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:12 am

GC's MUST find a way to expedite you if you only need a set of strings or something.

Why does every trip there need to be a like a visit to a car dealership?

My visits go like this:

Phony greetings in dude-speak upon entrance.

Stumble through the noisey maze to your desired department.

stand at counter unacknowledged while the kids behind counter finish chatting about last night's intoxication.

listen in horror as they give poor schmuck who knows nothing about DAW's inaccurate information, try not to butt in (sometimes I have to)

finally get help, turn down upselling, give name, phone number, address, DOB, religious preference, etc..

make purchase (40 minutes later, for a few sets of strings!)

stumble through noise maze to exit.

present receipt for inspection and cavity search (hey wait, I have a latex allergy)

phony goodbye...in dude-speak

promise self to never go back for strings ever, ever again

rinse, lather, repeat
*insert pricey DAW specs here

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Post by gward » Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:18 am

I might have to disagree about the Minneapolis GCs being okay. Last time I was in there I asked them if they had a Moog Voyager that I could demo. After smugly correcting my pronunciation of moog(for the record he was wrong), he told me that the store had never carried them and had never even had one in the store and suggested I buy a software version instead. I found this a bit interesting as I had been in the same store two days prior and had seen one set up but didn't have time to spend any time playing it so I came back. It would have been laughable if he hadn't been so condescending. So, I meandered off to audition sounds on some other units.
As I did this the sales person followed me...

As I was looking at a piece of gear, he told me that I didn't want the one I was looking at should instead look at this other "sweet" piece of gear. I said that wasn't really interested in that and just wanted to hear sounds on the one I was currently looking at. As I was auditioning sounds on mine, he fires up another keyboard loud enough that I can't hear mine. So, being the ever patient person that I am, I walked to the other corner of the keys section and start flipping through sounds on another keyboard. He has the gall to move all the way across the room, fires up another keyboard next to me, cranks the volume above mine, and proceeds to wank out some "impressive" keys licks all the while casting sideways glances in my direction to see if I noticed how amazing he was. At that point that I started fantasizing about the most painful thing I could do to him and figured it was time to leave.

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Post by chickenbop » Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:40 pm

I used to work at a guitar center and can see it being alright if you're a kid but it sucks if you're an adult.
From a moral perspective,guitar center is scum.
I'm talking about the ceo's/corporation/higher management/etc.,not the individual salesmen that work there.
The salesmen are just trying to survive.I know from experience.For the most part,they're just like mcdonalds employees working at a car dealership.
Hell,the assistant manager at the one I used to work at can't play one instrument!

Every morning they have a meeting to "pump" you up to sell.
You're trained to not let someone just buy a set of strings,guitar,whatever-you have to add on.
Here's an example:
someone says "give me some .10 slinky's"
you say "3 or 4 packs?need a slide?distortion pedal?dildo?"
This actually makes sense as a company,but that's why there so obnoxious to deal with.You're trained to dork out on people.
The competition is stiff,too.You're actually competing not only with your co-salesmen but with your assistant managers.They will steal your commission right under your nose-even if you're already working with someone.That's why someone bugs you every 5 seconds.
The only way to prove you were working with a customer first is to get an "up".
This is when they put your name,number,etc. in their computer along with whatever item info you're interested in.
If you don't want them calling you,sending mailers,-just refuse to give them your address and phone number.
Also,they're TRAINED to squash the competition.Yes,little mom and pop stores.it sucks.
They want the other stores to go out of business.
You hear people say that retail stores won't sell below cost.
YES they will if it means they beat joebob's guitar prices.
Usually a manager(who's not working off commission)will get involved at this point though because the salesman doesn't care if he's not making commission.
They do this because they know the competition can't last long at those prices while guitar center has a million other stores to sustain itself until the competition is gone and they can raise their prices back up.

They're usual commission is 10% of profits and 2% of gross sales.
After you give everyone a deal,that margin dwindles very fast.
My advice to everyone-Don't shop there and don't work there.
It basically is walmart.

Oh yeah-the music they play there makes clear channel seem like fugazi.
Last edited by chickenbop on Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by chickenbop » Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:42 pm

Another thing.
I used to think tapeop was awesome,but it really needs to think about whether it wants to sleep with guitar center with the current ads and whatnot.
Guitar center stands for everything tapeop stands against.

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Post by JohnDavisNYC » Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:39 pm

Maybe you should take out a full page ad in tapeop... personally, I still like getting it for free and reading it. I don't really give much of a fuck about an ad for an SSL AWS900... who cares? if GC wants to buy big ads and keeps a good magazine going, I don't care. I will also buy things from them sometimes if I want something cheap, or want to talk a salesman down to 90 dollars a mic for Oktavas or something.

TapeOp having a GCPro ad doesn't mean anything about TapeOp except they got a lot of money for that shitty ad with typos... and I'm fine with that. Maybe that's because I'm a whore.

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Post by chickenbop » Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:57 pm

It's always been free :roll:
The more ads about gigantic ssl boards you have,the more stupid articles with britney spear-type "producers" using those ssl boards pop up.
I'm not saying tapeop isn't great,it is!I love it!
I'm just saying that it's going through it's major label stage.
It's glossy pages stage.

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Post by JohnDavisNYC » Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:06 pm

Huh? Do you still read it? I'm confused... how many issues with Jack Joseph Puig have there been? Bob Clearmountain? Um... it's still pretty fucking indie... I dunno. I don't really care, nor do I want to get into some stupid interweb argumant about the validity vs. commercialism of the magazine that has given us this interweb portal.

i like to make music with music and stuff and things.


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