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Post by substitute » Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:53 pm

Can anyone elaborate on the differences between express and studio? I haven't worked with a daw in a little while (cubase sx) and some PT here and there. I don't want to chintz on my main recording app, but express seems to cover everything I'm looking for so why spend the extra?

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Post by lancebug » Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:35 pm

Running Logic 8.02 on a 1.5ghz G4 Powerbook. At first it was a little buggy, but its been pretty stable since the updates. Of course I don't have the power to run tons of instances of Space Designer but with an external drive I have found i to be as stable as anything else I have recorded with. There are so many good players in the DAW game now, I think its a matter of time til the protools thing starts to fade. If all of the non-protools software makers could get together and come up with some modest session translation standard, so that plugins, track layouts and regions could be ported from session to session even if more complicated details couldn't then I think there would start to be a lot more diversity in the pro-audio arena. I mean, I think that the main reason a lot of people use pro-tools is jsut because they worry the won't get paid without it and not because they have any special love for the features. I learned digital recording on PT Free followed by an Mbox one. I liked it well enough but early one felt it had fewer advanced features and cool plugs than the competition. PTLE 5.X didn't even have a reverb plugin and I don't really remember if version 6 did either. Did it ever even get around to being able to freeze tracks? I just don't think that their current business model is going to survive the future technological or economic climates. People are going to want to steadily pay less for more and we are sort of running out of things that you can do to tweak sound. Logic gives people all that and promises to mature well over time due to their solid corporate backing. Sure I suppose it is a bit proprietary, but at least Apple makes some overtures toward customer satisfaction and wooing new users, where with Digi its just one F.U. after another. Maybe Digi can buy out Waves and come up with new and unique ways to punish loyalty.

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Post by b3nw » Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:40 am


I saw this Logic thread and read a bit. I really like Logic, I'm glad to see it's rise in attention/usage. I like it better than PT LE or HD (but admittedly, I've never really been a digidesign fan).

I would agree in saying Logic is like Sonar, it's UI is updated focusing on easier production (read: less prod time spent), similar to sonar.

But (and this is kind of on the same topic of UI and how it pertains to greater productivity), have any of you ever tried Sony Vegas 7 (or even Vegas 8, ) for tracking/mixing/audio work? (was: "sonic foundry").
I dunno, I think the UI alone has become a major factor for me over some features, and that's what Vegas has been consistently delivering. I think there's something to be said about that (UI) and Logic seems to have made a smart step in regard.

I think I'm one of few weirdos who REALLY enjoys (and now prefers) working with Vegas for tracking/mixing (and of course video work now, which is how it's been marketed for a while. Though, the first version of Vegas was Sonic foundry's "Vegas Audio").

I mention this because the UI simply screams productivity and efficiency with tracking/mixdown/editing. It's dman solid, but if it ever does crash you'll be back up and editing in no time. Works with nearly any interface out there. It is missing some features in comparison to other apps, but nothing that has affected my usage yet.

Just curious how some here would compare it.

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Post by wedge » Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:07 pm

mobtownstudios wrote:It's funny, a few of my clients think "ProTools" is simply the means of recording audio in a computer. Like Kleenex is to tissues.
Should that notion spread, that would actually be baaad for Digidesign, cause it would separate the ProTools software/hardware from the process. If people start thinking they can get ProTooled in the studio using Logic or whatev, then there's my point...

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Post by wedge » Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:10 pm

Having said that, Elastic Audio and its implementation in PTs 7.4 is simply fantastic. It blows my mind. It's taken music editing et. al. into an entirely different universe. Other softwares might have something similar and/or better. I dunno. But once I got it and learned how to use it, I became extremely glad that I stuck with 'Tools...

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Post by DJ_LBP » Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:07 pm

wedge wrote:Having said that, Elastic Audio and its implementation in PTs 7.4 is simply fantastic. It blows my mind. It's taken music editing et. al. into an entirely different universe. Other softwares might have something similar and/or better. I dunno. But once I got it and learned how to use it, I became extremely glad that I stuck with 'Tools...
is this similar to the Warp and such effects in Ableton? Tempo adjust and pitch adjust completely independent of each other? Fun times.
Why not?

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Post by wedge » Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:35 pm

DJ_LBP wrote:is this similar to the Warp and such effects in Ableton? Tempo adjust and pitch adjust completely independent of each other? Fun times.
Yep... Fun times, indeed... Moving audio around like its a bitmapped image in Photoshop...

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