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chris harris
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Post by chris harris » Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:41 pm

and, your comment about "hating the wealthy" is another shot at the imaginary strawman.
I don't hate the wealthy. there are plenty of wealthy people who worked hard to earn their money, accept their share of the tax burden to support the society where they are allowed accumulate wealth, and who use their wealth to make the world a better place.
I don't advocate wealth redistribution.
But, I do have a healthy distaste for people who put profit before humanity. And, I'm pretty disgusted by people (even poor schmoes) who put acquiring wealth and material possessions as one of their greatest goals in life. And, I'm sickened by people who see wealth as the greatest indicator of success in life. And, I want to puke when I see these shows on T.V. glamorizing wealth.

I think that shit's pretty evil. I'm not at all religious. But, from what I've read about Jesus, he'd be pretty disgusted by all of this worshiping of money, too.

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Post by Professor » Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:57 pm

Oh please don't try to prove a point by accusing me of "attacking strawmen".
You know, I didn't say anything about religion or Jesus, so what the hell kind of strawman are you beating up on there?
I never said that I put acquiring wealth above all things in life, so you're beatin' up a straw man there.
In point of fact, you're talking to a guy who left the private sector and took a pretty severe paycut to do so, in order to do a job he loves and to interact with student musicians.
Stand on the strength of your own examples and observations, you were doing so well.
Well, except for this little 'straw man'?
The point is, they don't put money as high on their life's priority list as you apparently do.
Now answer me this, do the record store owners complain about BBY?
Do they commplain about the internet music stores, or downloading?
If so, then why are they complaining about it?

And because I'm interested in one of your topic-related observations, you mention the plenty of wealthy people who work hard, accept their tax burden, etc. I'll assume that you consider neither BestBuy nor WalMart to not be countable among the 'hard working', 'accepting of their tax burden', or 'usinng their wealth to make the world a better place'. But that's talking corporations and not individuals anyway. Are there individuals who have followed the rules enough to earn your respect? The founders of Microsoft perhaps? Maybe the owner of Virgin Atlantic? Anyone in the internet billionaires club like the Yahoo or Google guys?


chris harris
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Post by chris harris » Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:24 pm

Professor wrote:Oh please don't try to prove a point by accusing me of "attacking strawmen".
You know, I didn't say anything about religion or Jesus, so what the hell kind of strawman are you beating up on there?
good point!
I never said that I put acquiring wealth above all things in life, so you're beatin' up a straw man there.
I never said that either.
In point of fact, you're talking to a guy who left the private sector and took a pretty severe paycut to do so, in order to do a job he loves and to interact with student musicians.
good for you! but, you'll never get your turn to be the wealthy guy that way!
Stand on the strength of your own examples and observations, you were doing so well.
Well, except for this little 'straw man'?
The point is, they don't put money as high on their life's priority list as you apparently do.
it's true! They settle for subsistence wages doing something they love. you said yourself that you wouldn't do that. Obviously, having possessions and things not actually necessary in life is more important to you than it is to them.
Now answer me this, do the record store owners complain about BBY?
Do they commplain about the internet music stores, or downloading?
If so, then why are they complaining about it?
because those things aren't just keeping them from a new Ferrari. Those things are making it harder for them to feed their family and contribute to society in a way that allows them to sleep at night. Because they CAN offer better service and a better experience. But, they CAN NOT sell below cost and subsidize the loss with toaster sales.
And because I'm interested in one of your topic-related observations, you mention the plenty of wealthy people who work hard, accept their tax burden, etc. I'll assume that you consider neither BestBuy nor WalMart to not be countable among the 'hard working', 'accepting of their tax burden', or 'usinng their wealth to make the world a better place'. But that's talking corporations and not individuals anyway. Are there individuals who have followed the rules enough to earn your respect? The founders of Microsoft perhaps? Maybe the owner of Virgin Atlantic? Anyone in the internet billionaires club like the Yahoo or Google guys?

I have respect for what Bill Gates has done with his money personally. I think that he's given a lot and done a lot for society. I don't respect his company. And, I don't respect the fact that they've had to step on so many people to get where they are.
And, there are plenty of other examples of other wealthy individuals and companys/organizations who've done great things for society.

But, a few good deeds and some honorable philanthropy doesn't erase the bad stuff.

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Post by cgarges » Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:34 pm

Because it came down to me getting asked to, I am locking this topic.

Chris Garges
Charlotte, NC


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